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LOINC Part Code LP15838-3 : Protein


parent CHEM LP7786-9
child Protein/Creatinine LP286943-8
child Protein | Amniotic fluid | Chemistry - non-challenge LP384455-4
child Protein | Body fluid | Chemistry - non-challenge LP384456-2
child Calbindin D28K LP435852-1
child Protein/Osmolality LP421317-1
child Protein | Cerebral spinal fluid | Chemistry - non-challenge LP384457-0
child Protein | Dialysis fluid | Chemistry - non-challenge LP384458-8
child 24H predicted protein LP422189-3
child Protein | Dialysis fluid peritoneal | Chemistry - non-challenge LP384459-6
child Protein | Gastric fluid | Chemistry - non-challenge LP384460-4
child Albumin LP6118-6
child Albumin & Immunoglobulin Quotient LP62862-5
child Protein | Pericardial fluid | Chemistry - non-challenge LP384461-2
child Protein | Peritoneal fluid | Chemistry - non-challenge LP384462-0
child Albumin.serum-albumin.pericard fld LP157158-9
child Albumin.serum-albumin.periton fld LP157160-5
child Protein | Plasma | Chemistry - non-challenge LP384463-8
child Protein | Pleural fluid | Chemistry - non-challenge LP384464-6
child Albumin.serum-albumin.plr fld LP157159-7
child Protein | Lower respiratory specimen | Chemistry - non-challenge LP384465-3
child Albumin.ischemia modified LP183523-2
child Alpha defensins 1+2+3 LP417746-7
child Protein | Saliva | Chemistry - non-challenge LP384466-1
child Protein | Semen | Chemistry - non-challenge LP384467-9
child Amyloid LP31745-0
child Beta defensin LP95254-6
child Protein | Serum or Plasma | Chemistry - non-challenge LP384468-7
child Protein | Stool | Chemistry - non-challenge LP384469-5
child Beta endorphin LP15433-3
child Beta-trace protein LP62483-0
child Protein | Synovial fluid | Chemistry - non-challenge LP384470-3
child Protein | Tissue and Smears | Chemistry - non-challenge LP384471-1
child Brain-derived neurotrophic factor LP428269-7
child Protein | Urine | Chemistry - non-challenge LP384472-9
child Protein | XXX | Chemistry - non-challenge LP384473-7
child C reactive protein LP15023-2
child Calprotectin LP34583-2
child Ceruloplasmin LP15479-6
child Clara cell protein 16 LP171883-4
child Cryoproteins LP18699-6
child Cystatin C LP31553-8
child Dysferlin LP33051-1
child Erythropoietin LP15554-6
child Frataxin LP207802-2
child Gamma butyrobetaine LP200429-1
child Gammopathy LP18628-5
child Globulin LP14885-5
child Glycoproteins LP15623-9
child Hepcidin LP150153-7
child IgA.kappa LP182354-3
child IgA.lambda LP182353-5
child IgG.kappa LP182350-1
child IgG.lambda LP182352-7
child IgM.kappa LP182355-0
child IgM.lambda LP182378-2
child Immunoglobulins LP31769-0
child Immunosuppressive acidic protein LP18574-1
child Insulin-like growth factor binding proteins LP31742-7
child Intercellular adhesion molecule 1 LP428290-3
child Interstitial collagenase LP185749-1
child Keratin LP14679-2
child Mannose-binding protein LP28532-7
child Melanoma inhibitory activity protein LP31723-7
child Monolysocardiolipin LP201884-6
child Mucoprotein LP15739-3
child Neurofilament heavy chain LP199521-8
child Neurofilament medium chain LP199520-0
child Neurofilament light chain LP433457-1
child Neurophysin LP15744-3
child Perforin LP33048-7
child Periostin LP429321-5
child Prealbumin LP15837-5
child Pregnancy associated plasma protein A LP28774-5
child Pregnancy specific protein 1 LP15814-4
child Promyelocytic leukemia protein distribution pattern LP150209-7
child Protein carbonyl LP65130-4
child Protein pattern LP18194-8
child Protein.CSF LP69210-0
child Protein.pericard fld LP145995-9
child Protein.periton fld LP145997-5
child Protein.plr fld LP69211-8
child Protein nitrogen LP15832-6
child Protein Z LP97552-1
child Protein.monoclonal LP30793-1
child Reticulin LP15850-8
child S100 calcium binding protein B LP57672-5
child Signaling lymphocytic activation molecule (SLAM)-associated & X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein LP212185-5
child Soluble CD27 LP201741-8
child Tau protein LP28537-6
child Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases 1 LP173634-9
child Vascular adhesion protein 1 LP185746-7
child Vitronectin LP15952-2
child Zonulin LP430020-0
child Prion disease risk LP434450-5
parent CHAL LP7784-4
child Albumin LP6118-6
child Protein | Body fluid | Chemistry - challenge LP387163-1
child Insulin-like growth factor binding proteins LP31742-7
parent Analytes LP40317-7
child Protein/Creatinine LP286943-8
child Protein | Urine | Urinalysis LP402534-4


PartDisplayName en-US Protein
DisplayName en-US Protein


LOINC Version: 2.77