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LOINC Part Code LP31759-1 : DENTAL


parent CLIN LP7787-7
child A point-nasion line to nasion-B point line LP72026-5
child Adenoid width LP101665-0
child Aesthetics LP72062-0
child Age LP28815-6
child Airway problem impacting orthodontic treatment LP269175-8
child Alveolar ridge LP72073-7
child Alveolar ridge pathology LP72074-5
child Alveolar ridge trauma LP72075-2
child Angle of convexity LP101637-9
child Anterior cranial LP101672-6
child Anterior facial height LP101660-1
child Anterior nasal spine to menton LP101652-8
child Anterior nasal spine to pogonion LP101664-3
child Anterior segment LP72081-0
child Asymmetry of lower face LP269774-8
child Attachment level LP72114-9
child Bleeding on probing LP242692-4
child Bleeding on probing index LP72152-9
child Bone adequate LP72185-9
child Bone density LP34385-2
child Bone height LP72187-5
child Bone length LP72188-3
child Bone resorption pattern LP72189-1
child Bone volume LP72190-9
child Bone width LP72191-7
child Bone attachment level LP72186-7
child Canal LP72208-9
child Caries risk LP72228-7
child Centric relation maximum intercuspation anterior shift LP72235-2
child Centric relation maximum intercuspation lateral shift LP72236-0
child Chin thickness LP101639-5
child Closed-spaced teeth LP269778-9
child Closest speaking space LP72263-4
child Condylion to anterior nasal spine LP101633-8
child Condylion to A-point LP101634-6
child Condylion to gnathion LP101632-0
child Condylion to gonion LP101673-4
child Craniofacial anomalies impacting orthodontic care LP270016-1
child Crossbite teeth LP269276-4
child Crowded teeth LP269781-3
child Crown LP72327-7
child Crown length LP72328-5
child Cuspid to cuspid distance LP72334-3
child Dental abnormalities impacting orthodontic care LP270017-9
child Dental arch LP72404-4
child Dental examination method LP72405-1
child Dental history contribution LP72406-9
child Dental material used &or Proposed LP72407-7
child Dental plaque LP72408-5
child Dental probing response LP72409-3
child Dental procedure LP72707-0
child Dental prognosis LP72410-1
child Dental prosthesis LP72411-9
child Dental treatment anatomical site access LP72412-7
child Denture base evaluation LP72413-5
child Denture occlusion LP72414-3
child Denture teeth evaluation LP72415-0
child Edentulous ridge relationship LP72529-8
child Eruption LP72549-6
child Etiological factors.dental LP72554-6
child Excursive distance.max LP76209-3
child Exfoliation LP72559-5
child Face low/Face all LP307786-6
child Face lower incisor to chin LP101617-1
child Face lower incisor to chin/Face all LP307787-4
child Face lower incisor to chin/Face low LP307788-2
child Face lower incisor to chin/Face mid LP307789-0
child Face mid LP101616-3
child Face mid/Face all LP307790-8
child Face mid/Face low LP307791-6
child Face upper LP101618-9
child Face upper/Face all LP307792-4
child Facial axis LP101644-5
child Facial axis using constructed Gnathion LP101645-2
child Facial measurement LP72577-7
child Facial measurement method LP72578-5
child Facial taper LP101636-1
child First bone reference LP72587-6
child First contact left midline discrepancy LP72588-4
child First contact right midline discrepancy LP72589-2
child First facial landmark LP72590-0
child First interdental papilla boundary LP72592-6
child First tooth space boundary LP72594-2
child Frankfort horizontal plane to mandibular plane LP72612-2
child Frankfort horizontal plane to mandibular plane using constructed Gonion LP101655-1
child Frankfort horizontal plane to nasion-pogonion line LP72613-0
child Freeway space LP72614-8
child Frenum involvement site LP242689-0
child Furcation classification LP72620-5
child Furcation site LP242688-2
child Glabella to subnasale LP101686-6
child Gonial angle LP101653-6
child Gonial angle using constructed Gonion LP101654-4
child Guardian current action taken LP72664-3
child Guardian informed of patient condition LP72665-0
child Guardian previous action taken LP72666-8
child Guardian previously informed of patient condition LP72667-6
child Habits impacting orthodontic condition LP269172-5
child Height LP72681-7
child Holdaway angle LP101642-9
child Horizontal overlap LP72740-1
child Identification LP72776-5
child Incisor mandibular plane angle using constructed Gonion LP101625-4
child Incisor mandibular plane angle using gnathion LP101630-4
child Incisor mandibular plane angle using menton LP101624-7
child Infradentale to A-point LP101635-3
child Inter incisal angle LP101631-2
child Interproximal space height LP72822-7
child Keratinized gingiva LP72855-7
child Labio-lingual spread LP269777-1
child Lower facial height angle LP101669-2
child Lower incisal edge perpendicular to nasion-B point line LP101622-1
child Lower incisor to A point-pogonion line LP101619-7
child Lower incisor to nasion-B point line LP101626-2
child Lower lip to menton LP101670-0
child Lower lip to pogonion LP101657-7
child Magnification instrument LP72893-8
child Malocclusion index LP269782-1
child Mandibular arc LP101668-4
child Mandibular body length LP101777-3
child Maxillary mandibular planes angle using menton LP101679-1
child Maxillary mandibular planes angle using menton and constructed gonion LP101680-9
child Maximum intercuspation left midline discrepancy LP72918-3
child Maximum intercuspation right midline discrepancy LP72919-1
child Medical conditions impacting orthodontic condition LP269173-3
child Medical history contribution LP72924-1
child Midhelix of ear to side of head distance LP72943-1
child Missing teeth LP115683-7
child Molar relationship LP101621-3
child Mucogingival junction level LP72964-7
child Nasion to A-point LP101776-5
child Nasion to Frankfort horizontal plane LP101643-7
child Nasion-glabella line to nasion-pronasale line LP72640-3
child Naso-labial angle LP101641-1
child Noncompliance with dental treatment LP72984-5
child Number of impressions LP72997-7
child Openbite LP73009-0
child Openbite teeth LP269275-6
child Open-spaced teeth LP269779-7
child Oral evaluation exam LP73012-4
child Orthodontic preconditions LP269176-6
child Orthodontic treatment LP73020-7
child Orthognathic surgery consideration summary LP270018-7
child Overbite LP101806-0
child Overbite teeth LP269278-0
child Overjet LP101623-9
child Overjet teeth LP269279-8
child Pain trigger point LP73064-5
child Palatal plane to mandibular plane LP101684-1
child Palatal plane to mandibular plane constructed Gonion LP101685-8
child Palate LP73065-2
child Partial edentulism classification LP73068-6
child Partially endentulous maxillectomy classification LP73069-4
child Periodontal condition involves frenum LP173665-3
child Periodontal evaluation LP73090-0
child Periodontal screening and recording special finding LP73091-8
child Peridontal risk LP73086-8
child Physical findings.mandibular condyle LP269775-5
child Plaque index LP73120-5
child Posterior cranial base LP101671-8
child Posterior facial height LP101649-4
child Posterior facial height using CF point LP101656-9
child Posterior inter-arch deviation LP269274-9
child Previous dental appliance wear LP73176-7
child Previous dental prosthesis wear LP73177-5
child Previous dental surgery LP73178-3
child Probe site LP73187-4
child Probing depth LP73188-2
child Problematic maxillary tuberosity LP73190-8
child Prosthesis complaint LP73199-9
child Ramus height LP101650-2
child Ramus height using constructed Gonion LP101651-0
child Reason for dental evaluation LP73231-0
child Reason for prosthesis complaint LP73238-5
child Reason tooth lost LP73242-7
child Recession LP73245-0
child Reference tooth LP73255-9
child Retention LP73294-8
child Root LP73300-3
child Root apex development LP73301-1
child Root development LP73302-9
child Root length LP73303-7
child Root palpation location LP73304-5
child Rotated teeth LP269780-5
child Second bone reference LP73324-3
child Second facial landmark LP73325-0
child Second interdental papilla boundary LP73326-8
child Second tooth space boundary LP73327-6
child Sella-nasion plane to Frankfort horizontal plane LP73337-5
child Sella-nasion plane to mandibular plane using menton LP101681-7
child Sella-nasion plane to mandibular plane using menton and constructed gonion LP101682-5
child Sella-nasion plane to nasion-A point line LP73335-9
child Sella-nasion plane to nasion-B point line LP73336-7
child Sella-nasion plane to nasion-pogonion line LP101773-2
child Sella-nasion plane to palatal plane LP101683-3
child Severe traumatic deviations impacting orthodontic condition LP269174-1
child Side LP73349-0
child Single tooth area LP73351-6
child Size LP18013-0
child Soft tissue thickness at A-point LP101775-7
child Stability LP73394-6
child Status LP73412-6
child Stomion to menton LP101658-5
child Subject tooth LP73425-8
child Subnasal sulcus LP101640-3
child Subnasale to lower lip LP101662-7
child Subnasale to menton LP101687-4
child Subnasale to pogonion LP101661-9
child Subnasale to stomion LP101663-5
child Subnasale to upper lip LP101674-2
child Supplemental information about orthodontic condition LP269171-7
child Surface LP73434-0
child Support LP73433-2
child Superhelix of ear to side of head distance LP73430-8
child Time since last tooth extraction LP73523-0
child Tonsilar width LP101666-8
child Tooth development evaluation LP73529-7
child Tooth impaction LP73530-5
child Tooth impaction position LP73531-3
child Tooth mobility LP73532-1
child Tooth out of bone/Tooth in bone LP287254-9
child Tooth position LP73533-9
child Tooth previously extracted LP73534-7
child Tooth size discrepancy LP73535-4
child Tooth space LP73536-2
child Tooth space available LP73537-0
child Tooth space discrepancy LP73538-8
child Tooth space required LP73539-6
child Transverse section LP73552-9
child Treatment urgency LP73554-5
child Type of dentition LP73577-6
child Upper central incisor to sella-nasion line LP101629-6
child Upper central incisor to stomion LP101638-7
child Upper incisor to nasion-A point line LP101627-0
child Upper incisor to palatal plane LP101628-8
child Upper lip thickness LP101774-0
child Upper lip to pogonion LP101659-3
child Upper molar position LP101620-5
child Vertical dimension of occlusion LP73673-3
child Vertical displacement LP73674-1
child Vertical overlap LP73675-8
child View LP28725-7
child Views LP28726-5
child Well maintained LP73716-0
child Width LP18016-3
child Wits analysis LP101667-6
child Y axis to Frankfort horizontal plane LP101646-0
child Y axis to Frankfort horizontal plane using constructed Gnathion LP101647-8


PartDisplayName en-US DENTAL
DisplayName en-US Dental


LOINC Version: 2.77