Answer | Yes | LA33-6 |
Answer | No | LA32-8 |
Answer | Don't know | LA12688-0 |
Answer | N/A | LA4543-0 |
answers-for | Compared to a few years ago, does the patient have more trouble remembering things that have happened recently than she or he used to [GPCOG] | 79118-6 |
answers-for | Compared to a few years ago, does he or she have more trouble recalling conversations a few days later [GPCOG] | 79119-4 |
answers-for | Compared to a few years ago, when speaking, does the patient have more difficulty in finding the right word or tend to use the wrong words more often [GPCOG] | 79120-2 |
answers-for | Compared to a few years ago, is the patient less able to manage money and financial affairs (e.g. paying bills, budgeting) [GPCOG] | 79121-0 |
answers-for | Compared to a few years ago, is the patient less able to manage his or her medication independently [GPCOG] | 79122-8 |
answers-for | Compared to a few years ago, does the patient need more assistance with transport (either private or public) [GPCOG] | 79123-6 |
LONG_COMMON_NAME | en-US | Yes (0)|No (1)|Don't Know (1)|N/A (1) |
LOINC Version: 2.77