No Database Connections Available for "PublishCode" (used: InUse 10 of 10: PublishCode 2sec (Select StatusCodes.Description from Codes, StatusCodes where CodeKey = 62697 and Codes.StatusKey != 0 and Codes.StatusKey = StatusCodes.StatusKey) PublishCode 2sec (Select StatusCodes.Description from Codes, StatusCodes where CodeKey = 8489 and Codes.StatusKey != 0 and Codes.StatusKey = StatusCodes.StatusKey) PublishCode 2sec (Select StatusCodes.Description from Codes, StatusCodes where CodeKey = 20145 and Codes.StatusKey != 0 and Codes.StatusKey = StatusCodes.StatusKey) PublishCode 1sec (Select StatusCodes.Description from Codes, StatusCodes where CodeKey = 43357 and Codes.StatusKey != 0 and Codes.StatusKey = StatusCodes.StatusKey) PublishCode 1sec (Select StatusCodes.Description from Codes, StatusCodes where CodeKey = 10604 and Codes.StatusKey != 0 and Codes.StatusKey = StatusCodes.StatusKey) PublishCode 1sec (Select StatusCodes.Description from Codes, StatusCodes where CodeKey = 12409 and Codes.StatusKey != 0 and Codes.StatusKey = StatusCodes.StatusKey) PublishCode 1sec (Select StatusCodes.Description from Codes, StatusCodes where CodeKey = 55160 and Codes.StatusKey != 0 and Codes.StatusKey = StatusCodes.StatusKey) PublishCode 905ms (Select StatusCodes.Description from Codes, StatusCodes where CodeKey = 8820 and Codes.StatusKey != 0 and Codes.StatusKey = StatusCodes.StatusKey) PublishCode 656ms (Select StatusCodes.Description from Codes, StatusCodes where CodeKey = 59687 and Codes.StatusKey != 0 and Codes.StatusKey = StatusCodes.StatusKey) PublishCode 31ms (Select RelationshipTypes.Description as Relationship, Codes.Code, Codes.Description as Value from Relationships, RelationshipTypes, Codes where Relationships.SourceKey = 30253 and Relationships.RelationshipTypeKey = RelationshipTypes.RelationshipTypeKey and Relationships.TargetKey = Codes.CodeKey))