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LOINC Code 32930-0 : A point-nasion line to nasion-B point line [Angle] Skull Digital model.measured

No Database Connections Available for "PublishCode" (used: InUse 10 of 10: PublishCode 2sec (Select StatusCodes.Description from Codes, StatusCodes where CodeKey = 85869 and Codes.StatusKey != 0 and Codes.StatusKey = StatusCodes.StatusKey) PublishCode 2sec (Select StatusCodes.Description from Codes, StatusCodes where CodeKey = 35063 and Codes.StatusKey != 0 and Codes.StatusKey = StatusCodes.StatusKey) PublishCode 2sec (Select StatusCodes.Description from Codes, StatusCodes where CodeKey = 18361 and Codes.StatusKey != 0 and Codes.StatusKey = StatusCodes.StatusKey) PublishCode 1sec (Select StatusCodes.Description from Codes, StatusCodes where CodeKey = 14431 and Codes.StatusKey != 0 and Codes.StatusKey = StatusCodes.StatusKey) PublishCode 920ms (Select StatusCodes.Description from Codes, StatusCodes where CodeKey = 13945 and Codes.StatusKey != 0 and Codes.StatusKey = StatusCodes.StatusKey) PublishCode 889ms (Select StatusCodes.Description from Codes, StatusCodes where CodeKey = 32870 and Codes.StatusKey != 0 and Codes.StatusKey = StatusCodes.StatusKey) PublishCode 780ms (Select StatusCodes.Description from Codes, StatusCodes where CodeKey = 16854 and Codes.StatusKey != 0 and Codes.StatusKey = StatusCodes.StatusKey) PublishCode 624ms (Select StatusCodes.Description from Codes, StatusCodes where CodeKey = 131618 and Codes.StatusKey != 0 and Codes.StatusKey = StatusCodes.StatusKey) PublishCode 592ms (Select StatusCodes.Description from Codes, StatusCodes where CodeKey = 119709 and Codes.StatusKey != 0 and Codes.StatusKey = StatusCodes.StatusKey) PublishCode 343ms (Select StatusCodes.Description from Codes, StatusCodes where CodeKey = 45948 and Codes.StatusKey != 0 and Codes.StatusKey = StatusCodes.StatusKey))