parent | Survey | LP29696-9 |
child | 1 step (curb) - functional ability during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 89421-2 |
child | 1 step (curb) - functional ability during 3 day assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 83196-6 |
child | 1 step (curb) - functional goal during 3 day assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 83195-8 |
child | 12 steps - functional ability during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 89419-6 |
child | 12 steps - functional ability during 3 day assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 83192-5 |
child | 12 steps - functional goal during 3 day assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 83191-7 |
child | 12 steps-interior during two day assessment period [CARE] | 52669-9 |
child | 4 steps - functional ability during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 89417-0 |
child | 4 steps - functional ability during 3 day assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 83194-1 |
child | 4 steps - functional goal during 3 day assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 83193-3 |
child | A sudden noise made me jump in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS] | 91427-5 |
child | A sudden noise made my child jump in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 92054-6 |
child | Abdominal pain [HIV-SSC] | 28538-7 |
child | Hip Abduction range of motion | 100294-8 |
child | Ability to concentrate in last 2 weeks | 98924-4 |
child | Ability to dress lower body | 46480-0 |
child | Ability to dress upper body | 46479-2 |
child | Ability to get around in last 2 weeks | 98932-7 |
child | Ability to hear during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 57216-4 |
child | Ability to understand others [Minimum Data Set] | 45405-8 |
child | Ability to use telephone | 46490-9 |
child | Able to accept body appearance in last 2 weeks | 98928-5 |
child | Able to avoid immediate reaction in difficult situations | 100268-2 |
child | Able to board public transportation | 100286-4 |
child | Able to get help with daily activities when needed | 96781-0 |
child | Able to notice distressing thoughts AndOr feelings without having to react | 100262-5 |
child | Able to notice thoughts AndOr feelings without being overwhelmed | 100264-1 |
child | Able to participate in remote learning | 98875-8 |
child | Able to participate in remote learning in last 12 months | 98953-3 |
child | Deprecated Able to perform dental exam MDSv3 | 54870-1 |
child | Able to put on socks [PROMIS] | 79014-7 |
child | Able to request or review patient chart Abstractor [MSCDM] | 75530-6 |
child | Abnormal conditions of the newborn [US Standard Certificate of Live Birth] | 73812-0 |
child | Abnormal lab values in last 90 days [Minimum Data Set] | 45879-4 |
child | Abnormal mouth tissue in last 7 days [MDSv3] | 54873-5 |
child | Aborted or self-interrupted suicide attempt 3 months | 93265-7 |
child | Aborted or self-interrupted suicide attempt Lifetime | 93263-2 |
child | Aborted or self-interrupted suicide attempts # 3 months | 93266-5 |
child | Aborted or self-interrupted suicide attempts # Lifetime | 93264-0 |
child | Abrasions or bruises [Minimum Data Set] | 45783-8 |
child | Absence of contact with family/friends [Minimum Data Set] | 45580-8 |
child | Absence of deformity score [Harris Hip Score] | 100288-0 |
child | Absence of hip deformity measurements | 100289-8 |
child | Abuse Behavior Community [OMAHA] | 46783-7 |
child | Abuse Behavior Family [OMAHA] | 28445-5 |
child | Abuse Behavior [OMAHA] | 28243-4 |
child | Abuse Knowledge Community [OMAHA] | 46784-5 |
child | Abuse Knowledge Family [OMAHA] | 28446-3 |
child | Abuse Knowledge [OMAHA] | 28244-2 |
child | Abuse Status Community [OMAHA] | 46785-2 |
child | Abuse Status Family [OMAHA] | 28447-1 |
child | Abuse Status [OMAHA] | 28245-9 |
child | Acceptance of loss panel [R-Outcomes] | 99567-0 |
child | Acceptance of loss total score [R-Outcomes] | 99568-8 |
child | Acceptance status | 65842-7 |
child | Accepted or will accept COVID-19 vaccination once offered | 98172-0 |
child | Accepts instructions and respond appropriately to criticism from supervisors [RFC] | 46626-8 |
child | Accepts invitations to most group activities [Minimum Data Set] | 45574-1 |
child | Access to help with digital devices | 100932-3 |
child | Access to help with product of interest | 100919-0 |
child | Access to review healthcare data | 100926-5 |
child | Access to transportation/mobility status [CUBS] | 89569-8 |
child | Accidents Set | 46035-2 |
child | Accidents - none of above [Minimum Data Set] | 45726-7 |
child | Accommodation [RFC] | 46672-2 |
child | Accountable health communities (AHC) health-related social needs screening (HRSN) tool | 96777-8 |
child | Accountable health communities (AHC) health-related social needs (HRSN) supplemental questions | 97023-6 |
child | Accreditation received [NMMDS] | 75534-8 |
child | NMMDS accreditation, certification, and licensure panel [NMMDS] | 75533-0 |
child | Accuracy of pre-surgery expectations of pain relief | 100204-7 |
child | Accuracy of pre-surgery expectations to perform activities of daily living | 100205-4 |
child | Accuracy of pre-surgery expectations to perform leisure, recreational, or sports activities | 100206-2 |
child | Acted or felt the same as during adverse event | 100246-8 |
child | Acting with awareness score [FFMQ] | 100276-5 |
child | Action that prevented the near miss incident from reaching the patient [AHRQ] | 74569-5 |
child | Activate and deactivate decision [CDC Emergency Operations Centers] | 89735-5 |
child | Active diagnoses during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 86671-5 |
child | Active diagnoses based on review of patient records [CARE] | 69867-0 |
child | Active discharge planning in place for resident return to community during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 58146-2 |
child | Active disease diagnosis | 54531-9 |
child | Active suicidal ideation with any methods (not plan) without intent to act 1 month | 93248-3 |
child | Active suicidal ideation with any methods (not plan) without intent to act Lifetime | 93297-0 |
child | Active suicidal ideation with some intent to act, without specific plan 1 month | 93249-1 |
child | Active suicidal ideation with some intent to act, without specific plan Lifetime | 93296-2 |
child | Active suicidal ideation with specific plan and intent 1 month | 93250-9 |
child | Active suicidal ideation with specific plan and intent Lifetime | 93295-4 |
child | Activities - addressed in care plan [MDSv3] | 58174-4 |
child | Activities - care area triggered [MDSv3] | 58173-6 |
child | Activities done differently following loss | 99571-2 |
child | Activities of Daily Living (ADL) Assistance in last 7 days [CMS Assessment] | 54523-6 |
child | Activities of daily living alteration [CCC] | 28079-2 |
child | Activities of daily living rehabilitation potential - none of above [Minimum Data Set] | 45616-0 |
child | Activities of daily living score [HOOS] | 72095-3 |
child | Activities of daily living score [KOOS] | 72100-1 |
child | Activities of daily living score change [HOOS] | 79433-9 |
child | Activities of daily living score change [KOOS] | 79438-8 |
child | Activities trigger A [Minimum Data Set] | 45906-5 |
child | Activities trigger B [Minimum Data Set] | 45907-3 |
child | Activity [NSRAS] | 73786-6 |
child | Activity [Norton scale] | 75246-9 |
child | Brief Resilience Scale panel [BRS] | 100360-7 |
child | Registered nurse staff # [NMMDS] | 76394-6 |
child | Registered nurse personnel [#] with a national provider ID [NMMDS] | 76395-3 |
child | Registered nurse staff with national provider ID/Registered nurse staff [NMMDS] | 76396-1 |
child | Regular or repetitive complaints of hunger [Minimum Data Set] | 45738-2 |
child | Regularly exposed to other people's smoke | 98530-9 |
child | Rehabilitative prognosis [OASIS] | 46524-5 |
child | Rejection of care - presence and frequency in last 7 days [CMS Assessment] | 54692-9 |
child | Relationship of financial support person | 100319-3 |
child | Relationship of usual support person for daily activities | 100317-7 |
child | Relationships [FACIT] | 70693-7 |
child | Brigance Screens II [BS II] | 72086-2 |
child | Reliability of support person | 100310-2 |
child | Religious or cultural affiliation contact to notify [Reported] | 81365-9 |
child | Religious or cultural beliefs [Reported] | 81364-2 |
child | Relocation stress syndrome [CCC] | 42822-7 |
child | Remarks [RFC] | 46633-4 |
child | Remember to follow treatment instructions | 99564-7 |
child | Remembers locations and worklike procedures [RFC] | 46613-6 |
child | Reminders brought back feelings about adverse event | 100233-6 |
child | Reminders of adverse event caused physical reactions | 100251-8 |
child | Renal alteration [CCC] | 28198-0 |
child | Broken or loosely fitting full or partial denture in last 7 days [MDSv3] | 54871-9 |
child | Renal failure [Minimum Data Set] | 45678-0 |
child | Renal insufficiency or renal failure/end-stage renal disease in last 7 days [MDSv3] | 54787-7 |
child | Renal replacement therapy discontinued prior to death | 68347-4 |
child | Reorientation [Minimum Data Set] | 45857-0 |
child | Repeated disturbing dreams of a stressful experience from the past in the last month [PCL-C] | 70222-5 |
child | Repeated disturbing memories, thoughts, or images of a stressful experience from the past in the last month [PCL-C] | 70220-9 |
child | Repeated, disturbing dreams of the stressful experience [PCL-5] | 101704-5 |
child | Repeated, disturbing, and unwanted memories of the stressful experience [PCL-5] | 101703-7 |
child | Repetition of three words [MDSv3] | 54606-9 |
child | Repetition of three words # [BIMS] | 52731-7 |
child | Broken, loose, or carious teeth [Minimum Data Set] | 45772-1 |
child | Repetition of three words during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 103696-1 |
child | Repetitive anxious complaints or concerns [Minimum Data Set] | 45548-5 |
child | Repetitive health complaints [Minimum Data Set] | 45547-7 |
child | Repetitive physical movements [Minimum Data Set] | 45553-5 |
child | Repetitive questions [Minimum Data Set] | 45517-0 |
child | Repetitive verbalizations [Minimum Data Set] | 45518-8 |
child | Reporter email | 74547-1 |
child | Reporter Information [AHRQ] | 74770-9 |
child | Reporter job or position | 74546-3 |
child | Reporter of adverse event or unsafe condition | 74549-7 |
child | Budget [CDC Emergency Operations Centers] | 89787-6 |
child | Reporter of adverse event or unsafe condition [AHRQ] | 74572-9 |
child | Reporter phone number | 74548-9 |
child | Reporting county | 77967-8 |
child | Reporting parameters Document | 55187-9 |
child | Reporting state | 77966-0 |
child | Reporting to leadership [CDC Emergency Operations Centers] | 89748-8 |
child | Reproductive Function Behavior Community [OMAHA] | 46867-8 |
child | Reproductive Function Behavior Family [OMAHA] | 46921-3 |
child | Reproductive Function Behavior [OMAHA] | 46939-5 |
child | Reproductive Function Knowledge Community [OMAHA] | 46868-6 |
child | Budget management [CDC Emergency Operations Centers] | 89784-3 |
child | Reproductive Function Knowledge Family [OMAHA] | 46922-1 |
child | Reproductive Function Knowledge [OMAHA] | 46940-3 |
child | Reproductive Function Status Community [OMAHA] | 46869-4 |
child | Reproductive Function Status Family [OMAHA] | 46923-9 |
child | Reproductive Function Status [OMAHA] | 46941-1 |
child | Reproductive risk [CCC] | 42833-4 |
child | Require help from others | 55748-8 |
child | Rescue intervention was attempted [AHRQ] | 74562-0 |
child | Reserves of emergency supplies [CDC Emergency Operations Centers] | 89781-9 |
child | Residence [NAMCS] | 75617-1 |
child | Number of budgeted nursing staff by job position in a reporting period [NMMDS] | 77259-0 |
child | Residence renovation completion date | 92940-6 |
child | Residence renovation start date | 92941-4 |
child | Residence Behavior Community [OMAHA] | 46870-2 |
child | Residence Behavior Family [OMAHA] | 28220-2 |
child | Residence Behavior [OMAHA] | 28329-1 |
child | Residence Knowledge Community [OMAHA] | 46871-0 |
child | Residence Knowledge Family [OMAHA] | 28221-0 |
child | Residence Knowledge [OMAHA] | 28330-9 |
child | Residence Status Community [OMAHA] | 46872-8 |
child | Residence Status Family [OMAHA] | 28222-8 |
child | Number of budgeted nursing staff job positions filled in a reporting period [NMMDS] | 77278-0 |
child | Residence Status [OMAHA] | 28331-7 |
child | Resident (or legally authorized representative) wants to be asked about returning to the community on all assessments during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 86797-8 |
child | Resident able to perform tasks or activity but is very slow [Minimum Data Set] | 45614-5 |
child | Resident assessment protocol 10--Activities - proceed with care [Minimum Data Set] | 45935-4 |
child | Resident assessment protocol 10--Activities - triggered [Minimum Data Set] | 45934-7 |
child | Resident assessment protocol 11--Falls - proceed with care [Minimum Data Set] | 45937-0 |
child | Resident assessment protocol 11--Falls - triggered [Minimum Data Set] | 45936-2 |
child | Resident assessment protocol 12--Nutritional status - proceed with care [Minimum Data Set] | 45939-6 |
child | Resident assessment protocol 12--Nutritional status - triggered [Minimum Data Set] | 45938-8 |
child | Resident assessment protocol 13--Feeding tubes - proceed with care [Minimum Data Set] | 45941-2 |
child | Business name Dialysis facility [ESRD] | 71530-0 |
child | Resident assessment protocol 13--Feeding tubes - triggered [Minimum Data Set] | 45940-4 |
child | Resident assessment protocol 14--Dehydration/Fluid maint - proceed with care [Minimum Data Set] | 45943-8 |
child | Resident assessment protocol 14--Dehydration/Fluid maint - triggered [Minimum Data Set] | 45942-0 |
child | Resident assessment protocol 15--Dental care - proceed with care [Minimum Data Set] | 45945-3 |
child | Resident assessment protocol 15--Dental care - triggered [Minimum Data Set] | 45944-6 |
child | Resident assessment protocol 16--Pressure injuries - proceed with care [Minimum Data Set] | 45947-9 |
child | Resident assessment protocol 16--Pressure injuries - triggered [Minimum Data Set] | 45946-1 |
child | Resident assessment protocol 17--Psychotropic drug - proceed with care [Minimum Data Set] | 45949-5 |
child | Resident assessment protocol 17--Psychotropic drug - triggered [Minimum Data Set] | 45948-7 |
child | Resident assessment protocol 18--Physical restraints - proceed with care [Minimum Data Set] | 45951-1 |
child | Can correctly draw all the numbers to indicate the hours of a clock [GPCOG] | 79106-1 |
child | Resident assessment protocol 18--Physical restraints - triggered [Minimum Data Set] | 45950-3 |
child | Resident assessment protocol 1--Delirium - proceed with care [Minimum Data Set] | 45917-2 |
child | Resident assessment protocol 1--Delirium - triggered [Minimum Data Set] | 45916-4 |
child | Resident assessment protocol 2--Cognitive loss - proceed with care [Minimum Data Set] | 45919-8 |
child | Resident assessment protocol 2--Cognitive loss - triggered [Minimum Data Set] | 45918-0 |
child | Resident assessment protocol 3--Visual function - proceed with care [Minimum Data Set] | 45921-4 |
child | Resident assessment protocol 3--Visual function - triggered [Minimum Data Set] | 45920-6 |
child | Resident assessment protocol 4--Communication - proceed with care [Minimum Data Set] | 45923-0 |
child | Resident assessment protocol 4--Communication - triggered [Minimum Data Set] | 45922-2 |
child | Resident assessment protocol 5--ADL functional/Rehab - proceed with care [Minimum Data Set] | 45925-5 |
child | Activity [QAM] | 28414-1 |
child | Can correctly draw hands to show 10M past eleven o'clock [GPCOG] | 79107-9 |
child | Resident assessment protocol 5--ADL functional/Rehab - triggered [Minimum Data Set] | 45924-8 |
child | Resident assessment protocol 6--Urinary incontinence - proceed with care [Minimum Data Set] | 45927-1 |
child | Resident assessment protocol 6--Urinary incontinence - triggered [Minimum Data Set] | 45926-3 |
child | Resident assessment protocol 7--Psychosocial - proceed with care [Minimum Data Set] | 45929-7 |
child | Resident assessment protocol 7--Psychosocial - triggered [Minimum Data Set] | 45928-9 |
child | Resident assessment protocol 8--Mood state - proceed with care [Minimum Data Set] | 45931-3 |
child | Resident assessment protocol 8--Mood state - triggered [Minimum Data Set] | 45930-5 |
child | Resident assessment protocol 9--Behavioral symptoms - proceed with care [Minimum Data Set] | 45933-9 |
child | Resident assessment protocol 9--Behavioral symptoms - triggered [Minimum Data Set] | 45932-1 |
child | Resident assessment protocol summary section | 46079-0 |
child | Can engage in healthcare discussions [PCAM] | 83338-4 |
child | Resident believes he or she is capable of increased independence in at least some ADLs [Minimum Data Set] | 45612-9 |
child | Resident believes he or she is capable of increased independence in at least some ADLs during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 55123-4 |
child | Resident experiencing an acute episode or a flare-up of a recurrent or chronic problem [Minimum Data Set] | 45728-3 |
child | Resident expresses/indicates preference to return to the community [Minimum Data Set] | 45880-2 |
child | Resident has a support person who is positive towards discharge [Minimum Data Set] | 45881-0 |
child | Resident has been asked about returning to the community [MDSv3] | 58148-8 |
child | Resident has one or more unhealed pressure injuries at stage 1 or higher [MDSv3] | 58122-3 |
child | Resident made negative statements [Minimum Data Set] | 45516-2 |
child | Resident mood interview (PHQ-9) [Reported PHQ-9 CMS] | 54635-8 |
child | Resident mood interview (PHQ-9) - symptom frequency in the last 2 weeks [CMS Assessment] | 86844-8 |
child | Can engage in healthcare discussions - visual analog rating [ePCAM] | 85467-9 |
child | Resident mood interview (PHQ-9) - symptom presence in the last 2 weeks [CMS Assessment] | 86843-0 |
child | Resident perceives that daily routine (customary routine, activities) is very different from prior pattern in the community [Minimum Data Set] | 45586-5 |
child | Resident prefers being around animals such as pets [MDSv3] | 54729-9 |
child | Resident prefers caring for personal belongings [MDSv3] | 54717-4 |
child | Resident prefers choosing clothes to wear [MDSv3] | 54716-6 |
child | Resident prefers doing things with groups of people [MDSv3] | 54731-5 |
child | Resident prefers family or significant other involvement in care discussions [MDSv3] | 54724-0 |
child | Resident prefers keeping up with the news [MDSv3] | 54730-7 |
child | Resident prefers listening to music [MDSv3] | 54728-1 |
child | Resident prefers none of the above [MDSv3] | 54736-4 |
child | Can keep going if needed | 97907-0 |
child | Resident prefers participating in favorite activities [MDSv3] | 54732-3 |
child | Resident prefers participating in religious activities or practices [MDSv3] | 54735-6 |
child | Resident prefers place to lock personal belongings [MDSv3] | 54726-5 |
child | Resident prefers reading books, newspapers, magazines [MDSv3] | 54727-3 |
child | Resident prefers receiving bed bath [MDSv3] | 54720-8 |
child | Resident prefers receiving shower [MDSv3] | 54719-0 |
child | Resident prefers receiving sponge bath [MDSv3] | 54721-6 |
child | Resident prefers receiving tub bath [MDSv3] | 54718-2 |
child | Resident prefers snacks between meals [MDSv3] | 54722-4 |
child | Resident prefers spending time away from the nursing home [MDSv3] | 54733-1 |
child | Can pronounce abstemious [AmNART] | 77532-0 |
child | Resident prefers spending time outdoors [MDSv3] | 54734-9 |
child | Resident prefers staying up past 8:00 p.m. [MDSv3] | 54723-2 |
child | Resident prefers use of phone in private [MDSv3] | 54725-7 |
child | Residential history 5 years prior to entry Set | 45971-9 |
child | Residential Information | 52527-9 |
child | Residential Information - Home Health Admission [CARE] | 55755-3 |
child | Resident's overall goal established during assessment process [MDSv3] | 58144-7 |
child | Resident's overall goals during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 55056-6 |
child | Resident's preference regarding being asked about returning to the community during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 86796-0 |
child | Resident-specific deliberate changes in the environment to address mood/behavior patterns [Minimum Data Set] | 45856-2 |
child | Can pronounce ache [AmNART] | 77498-4 |
child | Residual physical functional capacity (RFC) assessment form [RFC] | 46637-5 |
child | Residual renal function testing performed [ESRD] | 70950-1 |
child | Resources management [CDC Emergency Operations Centers] | 89775-1 |
child | Respiration alteration [CCC] | 28199-8 |
child | Respiration Behavior Community [OMAHA] | 46873-6 |
child | Respiration Behavior Family [OMAHA] | 28477-8 |
child | Respiration Behavior [OMAHA] | 28332-5 |
child | Respiration Knowledge Community [OMAHA] | 46874-4 |
child | Respiration Knowledge Family [OMAHA] | 28478-6 |
child | Respiration Knowledge [OMAHA] | 28333-3 |
child | Can pronounce aisle [AmNART] | 77499-2 |
child | Respiration Status Community [OMAHA] | 46875-1 |
child | Respiration Status Family [OMAHA] | 28479-4 |
child | Respiration Status [OMAHA] | 28334-1 |
child | Respiratory failure in last 7 days [MDSv3] | 58116-5 |
child | Respiratory infection [Minimum Data Set] | 45685-5 |
child | Respiratory insufficiency [ALSFRS-R] | 82952-3 |
child | Respiratory status | 52510-5 |
child | Respiratory status is maintained at or improved from baseline levels | 99995-3 |
child | Respiratory status with oxygen therapy during 2 day assessment period [CARE] | 52635-0 |
child | Respiratory status without oxygen therapy during 2 day assessment period [CARE] | 52636-8 |
child | Can pronounce algae [AmNART] | 77523-9 |
child | Respiratory therapy during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 58141-3 |
child | Respiratory treatments administered at home during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 57238-8 |
child | Respiratory treatments in last 14 days | 55085-5 |
child | Respite care [Minimum Data Set] | 45757-2 |
child | Respite care in last 14 days - while a resident [MDSv3] | 55015-2 |
child | Respite care in last 14 days - while not a resident [MDSv3] | 55014-5 |
child | Respondent type | 83129-7 |
child | Responds appropriately to changes in the work setting [RFC] | 46629-2 |
child | Response plan [CDC Emergency Operations Centers] | 89744-7 |
child | Response section information [CDC Emergency Operations Centers] | 89743-9 |
child | Can pronounce apropos [AmNART] | 77527-0 |
child | Response section or team responsibility | 90112-4 |
child | Response status and response team [CDC Emergency Operations Centers] | 89734-8 |
child | Response team [CDC Emergency Operations Centers] | 89747-0 |
child | Response team participation status | 90122-3 |
child | Response to toileting program during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 54768-7 |
child | Responsibility - none of above [Minimum Data Set] | 45472-8 |
child | Responsibility/legal guardian Set | 45985-9 |
child | Responsible observer | 65843-5 |
child | Responsible staff or provider was informed of potential for resident self harm during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 54655-6 |
child | Restless sleep | 100777-2 |
child | Can pronounce beautify [AmNART] | 77539-5 |
child | Restlessness during movement | 99293-3 |
child | Restlessness while at rest | 99300-6 |
child | Restorative nursing programs during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 86773-9 |
child | Restraints [CMS Assessment] | 86784-6 |
child | Restraints | 55042-6 |
child | Restraints and alarms during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 88307-4 |
child | Resumption of care date during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 46498-2 |
child | Resumption of therapy during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 86770-5 |
child | Return to community | 58223-9 |
child | Return to community [MDSv3] | 55055-8 |
child | Activity alteration [CCC] | 28080-0 |
child | Can pronounce blatant [AmNART] | 77515-5 |
child | MDS v3.0 - RAI v1.18.11 - Return to community [CMS Assessment] | 101347-3 |
child | Return to community referral - addressed in care plan [MDSv3] | 58194-2 |
child | Return to community referral - care area triggered [MDSv3] | 58193-4 |
child | Revised Prenatal Distress Questionnaire (NuPDQ) - Concurrent Self-Administered Version | 93083-4 |
child | Rheumatoid arthritis disease activity level [CDAI] | 88982-4 |
child | Rheumatoid arthritis disease severity level [RAPID3] | 90094-4 |
child | Risk assessment and consultation [CDC Emergency Operations Centers] | 89767-8 |
child | Risk assessments [CDC Emergency Operations Centers] | 89755-3 |
child | Risk factors affecting health status and or outcome during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 57207-3 |
child | Mothers Risk factors in this pregnancy [US Standard Certificate of Live Birth] | 73775-9 |
child | Can pronounce bouquet [AmNART] | 77505-6 |
child | Risk for hospitalization during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 57319-6 |
child | Risk for venous thromboembolism | 72136-5 |
child | Deprecated Risk of developing pressure injuries [MDSv3] | 54882-6 |
child | Deprecated Risk of developing pressure injuries [OASIS] | 57184-4 |
child | Risk of developing pressure injuries during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 57280-0 |
child | Risk of developing pressure ulcers [CARE] | 52573-3 |
child | RN asessment coordinator attestation of completion during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 87218-4 |
child | Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire panel [RMDQ] | 99574-6 |
child | Role Change Behavior Community [OMAHA] | 46876-9 |
child | Role Change Behavior Family [OMAHA] | 28421-6 |
child | Can pronounce cabal [AmNART] | 77531-2 |
child | Role Change Behavior [OMAHA] | 28335-8 |
child | Role Change Knowledge Community [OMAHA] | 46877-7 |
child | Role Change Knowledge Family [OMAHA] | 28422-4 |
child | Role Change Knowledge [OMAHA] | 28336-6 |
child | Role Change Status Community [OMAHA] | 46878-5 |
child | Role Change Status Family [OMAHA] | 28423-2 |
child | Role Change Status [OMAHA] | 28337-4 |
child | Role performance alteration [CCC] | 28200-4 |
child | Roll left and right - functional ability during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 89399-0 |
child | Roll left and right - functional ability during 3 day assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 83218-8 |
child | Can pronounce capon [AmNART] | 77500-7 |
child | Roll left and right - functional goal during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 89398-2 |
child | Roll left and right - functional goal during 3 day assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 83217-0 |
child | Roll left and right - most dependent performance during the past month [CMS Assessment] | 94940-4 |
child | Roll left and right - usual functional ability during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 95011-3 |
child | Roll left and right during 2 day assessment period [CARE] | 52663-2 |
child | Rolling - elicited from the arms (left) [TIMP] | 60721-8 |
child | Rolling - elicited from the arms (right) [TIMP] | 60720-0 |
child | Rolling - elicited from the legs (left) [TIMP] | 60719-2 |
child | Rolling - elicited from the legs (right) [TIMP] | 60718-4 |
child | Rolling over - confidence [OPTIMAL] | 69521-3 |
child | Can pronounce caprice [AmNART] | 77506-4 |
child | Rolling over - confidence - score change [OPTIMAL] | 69605-4 |
child | Rolling over - difficulty [OPTIMAL] | 69498-4 |
child | Rolling over - difficulty - score change [OPTIMAL] | 69626-0 |
child | Rose Dyspnea Scale | 89440-2 |
child | Route Medication | 71468-3 |
child | Route of current reconciled medication list transmission to patient during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 93183-2 |
child | Route of current reconciled medication list transmission to subsequent provider during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 93184-0 |
child | Routine Assessment of Patient Index Data 3 [RAPID3] | 90028-2 |
child | Routine doctor's visits AndOr check-ups cancelled in the last 12 months | 98174-6 |
child | Routine doctor's visits AndOr check-ups cancelled since the beginning of the pandemic | 98156-3 |
child | Can pronounce cellist [AmNART] | 77522-1 |
child | Routine doctor's visits AndOr check-ups postponed in the last 12 months | 98175-3 |
child | Routine doctor's visits AndOr check-ups postponed since the beginning of the pandemic | 98157-1 |
child | Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale [RUDAS] | 98093-8 |
child | Rubbing during movement | 99292-5 |
child | Rubbing while at rest | 99301-4 |
child | Rumors surveillance [CDC Emergency Operations Centers] | 89765-2 |
child | Running - confidence [OPTIMAL] | 69534-6 |
child | Running - confidence - score change [OPTIMAL] | 69592-4 |
child | Running - difficulty [OPTIMAL] | 69511-4 |
child | Running - difficulty - score change [OPTIMAL] | 69613-8 |
child | Can pronounce chamois [AmNART] | 77525-4 |
child | Rwandan maternal screening panel [RHEA] | 72156-3 |
child | Sad, apethetic, anxious appearance Set | 46000-6 |
child | Sad, pained, or worried facial expressions [Minimum Data Set] | 45551-9 |
child | Sadness Survey - age 18+ - T-score [NIH Toolbox] | 85141-0 |
child | Sadness Survey - CAT item bank - age 18+ [NIH Toolbox] | 85140-2 |
child | Sadness Survey version 2.0 - ages 8-17 - T-score [NIH Toolbox] | 85137-8 |
child | Sadness Survey version 2.0 - fixed length form - ages 8-17 [NIH Toolbox] | 85136-0 |
child | Sadness Survey version 2.0 - parent report - ages 3-7 - T-score [NIH Toolbox] | 85117-0 |
child | Sadness Survey version 2.0 - parent report - fixed length form - ages 3-7 [NIH Toolbox] | 85118-8 |
child | Safe and secure healthcare data | 100924-0 |
child | Can pronounce chassis [AmNART] | 77521-3 |
child | Safe Environment for Every Kid Impression Caregiver [SEEK] | 95387-7 |
child | Safe Environment for Every Kid parent questionnaire - revised [SEEK] Caregiver | 95403-2 |
child | Safety of attending gatherings of more than 100 people for avoiding exposure to condition of interest | 99650-4 |
child | Safety of dining in at restaurants for avoiding exposure to condition of interest | 99652-0 |
child | Safety of eating take-out meals from restaurants for avoiding exposure to condition of interest | 99653-8 |
child | Safety of going outside to walk, hike, or exercise for avoiding exposure to condition of interest | 99659-5 |
child | Safety of going to the hospital for avoiding exposure to condition of interest | 99651-2 |
child | Safety of grocery shopping for avoiding exposure to condition of interest | 99649-6 |
child | Safety of handling packages that have been delivered for avoiding exposure to condition of interest | 99655-3 |
child | Safety of interacting closely with other members of your household for avoiding exposure to condition of interest | 99658-7 |
child | Can pronounce chord [AmNART] | 77502-3 |
child | Safety of playing on playground equipment for avoiding exposure to condition of interest | 99656-1 |
child | Safety of touching door knobs, countertops, and other surfaces in your home for avoiding exposure to condition of interest | 99657-9 |
child | Safety of visiting with relatives or friends in their home for avoiding exposure to condition of interest | 99654-6 |
child | Salivation [ALSFRS-R] | 82941-6 |
child | Sanitation Behavior Community [OMAHA] | 46879-3 |
child | Sanitation Behavior Family [OMAHA] | 28217-8 |
child | Sanitation Behavior [OMAHA] | 28338-2 |
child | Sanitation Knowledge Community [OMAHA] | 46880-1 |
child | Sanitation Knowledge Family [OMAHA] | 28218-6 |
child | Sanitation Knowledge [OMAHA] | 28339-0 |
child | Can pronounce debt [AmNART] | 77501-5 |
child | Sanitation Status Community [OMAHA] | 46881-9 |
child | Sanitation Status Family [OMAHA] | 28219-4 |
child | Sanitation Status [OMAHA] | 28340-8 |
child | SARS-CoV-2-related socioeconomic questionnaire for adults | 98154-8 |
child | SARS-CoV-2-related socioeconomic questionnaire for school-age children | 98872-5 |
child | SARS-CoV-2-related socioeconomic questionnaire for school-age children 12 month follow-up | 98948-3 |
child | SARS-CoV-2-related socioeconomic questionnaire for school-age children intake questions | 98947-5 |
child | Satisfaction level with LASIK result | 99750-2 |
child | Satisfaction level with length of time for vision improvement after LASIK | 99751-0 |
child | Satisfaction level with length of time it took for improvement in post-operative discomfort after LASIK | 99752-8 |
child | Activity at time of death [CDC] | 80626-5 |
child | Can pronounce deny [AmNART] | 77504-9 |
child | Satisfaction with ability to perform daily living activities in last 2 weeks | 98934-3 |
child | Satisfaction with access to health services in last 2 weeks | 98941-8 |
child | Satisfaction with access to transportation in last 2 weeks | 98942-6 |
child | Satisfaction with capacity for work in last 2 weeks | 98935-0 |
child | Satisfaction with condition of living place in last 2 weeks | 98940-0 |
child | Satisfaction with health in last 2 weeks | 98919-4 |
child | Satisfaction with knee function while getting out of bed | 100173-4 |
child | Satisfaction with knee function while performing light household duties | 100174-2 |
child | Satisfaction with knee function while performing recreational activities | 100175-9 |
child | Satisfaction with level of knee pain while lying in bed | 100172-6 |
child | Can pronounce depot [AmNART] | 77509-8 |
child | Satisfaction with level of knee pain while sitting | 100171-8 |
child | Satisfaction with personal relationships in last 2 weeks | 98937-6 |
child | Satisfaction with self in last 2 weeks | 98936-8 |
child | Satisfaction with sex life in last 2 weeks | 98938-4 |
child | Satisfaction with sleep in last 2 weeks | 98933-5 |
child | Satisfaction with support from friends in last 2 weeks | 98939-2 |
child | Satisfaction with using ADAPTABLE web site [ADAPTABLE] | 89080-6 |
child | Satisfied with healthcare data use | 100927-3 |
child | Satisfied with product of interest | 100920-8 |
child | SBT performed by day 2 of stay during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 87542-7 |
child | Can pronounce detente [AmNART] | 77533-8 |
child | Schizophrenia [Minimum Data Set] | 45668-1 |
child | Schizophrenia in last 7 days [MDSv3] | 54820-6 |
child | School has offered classes remotely during the COVID-19 outbreak | 97117-6 |
child | Score interpretation [M3] | 71827-0 |
child | Score out of range [M3] | 71756-1 |
child | Scream or curse at you [HITS] | 95615-1 |
child | Seattle Angina Questionnaire - 7 items [SAQ] | 88479-1 |
child | Second or third degree burns [Minimum Data Set] | 45784-6 |
child | Second or third degree burns in last 7 days [MDSv3] | 54968-3 |
child | Secondary diagnosis [RFC] | 46640-9 |
child | Can pronounce epitome [AmNART] | 77538-7 |
child | Secondary diagnosis is present | 59455-6 |
child | Sedatives or sleeping pills substance involvement score [NIDA] | 95508-8 |
child | Seeing in adequate light - with glasses or other visual appliances [CARE] | 52624-4 |
child | Sees halos or rings around lights, flashes of light, or curtains over eyes [Minimum Data Set] | 45513-9 |
child | Seizure disorder [Minimum Data Set] | 45662-4 |
child | Seizure disorder in last 7 days [MDSv3] | 54814-9 |
child | Self assessment of health status [Reported] | 81375-8 |
child | Self deprecation [Minimum Data Set] | 45520-4 |
child | Self mutilation risk [CCC] | 42824-3 |
child | Self or family pays for full per diem [Minimum Data Set] | 45462-9 |
child | Can pronounce facade [AmNART] | 77530-4 |
child | Self-care [OASIS-C] | 57250-3 |
child | Self-care - admission performance [CMS Assessment] | 83233-7 |
child | Self-care - discharge goal [CMS Assessment] | 85054-5 |
child | Self-care - discharge performance [CMS Assessment] | 83254-3 |
child | MDS v3.0 - RAI v1.18.11 - Self-care - discharge performance during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 101429-9 |
child | MDS v3.0 - RAI v1.18.11 - Self-Care - OBRA/Interim Performance | 101430-7 |
child | Self-care deficit [CCC] | 28201-2 |
child | Self-care panel [R-Outcomes] | 97896-5 |
child | Self-care priorities for the next 6 months during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 94876-0 |
child | Self-care total score [R-Outcomes] | 97897-3 |
child | Can pronounce fetal [AmNART] | 77514-8 |
child | Self-concept alteration [CCC] | 28202-0 |
child | Self-dialysis training location | 68337-5 |
child | Self-dialysis training | 68336-7 |
child | Self-dialysis training facility name Dialysis facility | 68335-9 |
child | Self-dialysis training facility NPI Dialysis facility | 67881-3 |
child | Self-dialysis training physician name Provider | 68491-0 |
child | Self-dialysis training physician NPI Provider | 68357-3 |
child | Self-dialysis training program - end stage renal disease form 2728 | 68451-4 |
child | Self-efficacy score [KCCQ] | 72190-2 |
child | Self-Efficacy Survey version 2.0 - ages 13-17 - T-score [NIH Toolbox] | 85129-5 |
child | Can pronounce gauge [AmNART] | 77507-2 |
child | Self-Efficacy Survey version 2.0 - ages 8-12 - T-score [NIH Toolbox] | 85126-1 |
child | Self-Efficacy Survey version 2.0 - CAT item bank - ages 13-17 [NIH Toolbox] | 91530-6 |
child | Self-Efficacy Survey version 2.0 - CAT item bank - ages 8-12 [NIH Toolbox] | 85127-9 |
child | Self-Performance in walking during this episode [Minimum Data Set] | 45893-5 |
child | Sense of initiative - none of above [Minimum Data Set] | 45575-8 |
child | Sense of initiative/involvement Set | 46003-0 |
child | Sensitivity around my fingernails makes it difficult to perform household tasks in the past 7 days [FACIT] | 70622-6 |
child | Sensory [NIH Stroke Scale] | 70193-8 |
child | Sensory diseases or conditions Set | 46026-1 |
child | Sensory perceptual alteration [CCC] | 28203-8 |
child | Can pronounce heir [AmNART] | 77503-1 |
child | Sensory status during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 57042-4 |
child | Sensory status - discharge from agency during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 86266-4 |
child | Sensory status - follow-up during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 86247-4 |
child | Sensory status - frequency of pain [OASIS] | 46532-8 |
child | Sensory status - hearing and ability to understand spoken language [OASIS] | 46530-2 |
child | Sensory status - speech and oral expression of language [OASIS] | 46531-0 |
child | Sensory status - vision [OASIS] | 46529-4 |
child | Sent to hospital directly from dialysis facility [ESRD] | 71538-3 |
child | Septicemia [Minimum Data Set] | 45686-3 |
child | Septicemia in last 7 days [MDSv3] | 54791-9 |
child | Can pronounce hiatus [AmNART] | 77517-1 |
child | Service coordination domain risk level [ePCAM] | 85453-9 |
child | Service coordination panel [ePCAM] | 85555-1 |
child | Service coordination panel [PCAM] | 83339-2 |
child | Service coordination total [ePCAM] | 85452-1 |
child | Service integration panel [R-Outcomes] | 96771-1 |
child | Service integration total score [R-Outcomes] | 96772-9 |
child | Sets realistic goals or make plans independently of others [RFC] | 46632-6 |
child | Severity of pain on average over the past 1 month [Reported] | 72350-2 |
child | Sex [AHRQ] | 74698-2 |
child | Sex [HL7.v3] | 72143-1 |
child | Can pronounce hyperbole [AmNART] | 77540-3 |
child | Sex [USSG-FHT] | 54131-8 |
child | Sex of Provider [NMMDS] | 76661-8 |
child | Sexual abuse--before 18 years old [ACE] | 82816-0 |
child | Sexual dysfunction [CCC] | 28204-6 |
child | Sexuality patterns alteration [CCC] | 28205-3 |
child | Sexuality Behavior Community [OMAHA] | 46882-7 |
child | Sexuality Behavior Family [OMAHA] | 28436-4 |
child | Sexuality Behavior [OMAHA] | 28293-9 |
child | Sexuality Knowledge Community [OMAHA] | 46883-5 |
child | Sexuality Knowledge Family [OMAHA] | 28437-2 |
child | Activity intolerance [CCC] | 28081-8 |
child | Can pronounce imbroglio [AmNART] | 77541-1 |
child | Sexuality Knowledge [OMAHA] | 28294-7 |
child | Sexuality Status Community [OMAHA] | 46884-3 |
child | Sexuality Status Family [OMAHA] | 28438-0 |
child | Sexuality Status [OMAHA] | 28295-4 |
child | Sexually transmitted diseases [Minimum Data Set] | 45687-1 |
child | Shared decision making panel [R-Outcomes] | 99417-8 |
child | Shared decision making total score [R-Outcomes] | 99418-6 |
child | Shelters [CDC Emergency Operations Centers] | 89782-7 |
child | Shopping | 46489-1 |
child | Deprecated Deprecated Short Forms PROMIS | 62200-1 |
child | Can pronounce meringue [AmNART] | 77519-7 |
child | Short Informant Questionnaire on Cognitive Decline in the Elderly [IQCODE] | 71946-8 |
child | Short stay assessment during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 90549-7 |
child | Shortness of breath | 54564-0 |
child | Shortness of breath [Minimum Data Set] | 45705-1 |
child | Shortness of breath during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 86675-6 |
child | Shortness of breath at rest [HIV-SSC] | 28394-5 |
child | Shortness of breath in general in past 7 days | 98518-4 |
child | Shortness of breath limited your ability to do what you wanted over the past 2 weeks [KCCQ] | 86472-8 |
child | Shortness of breath or trouble breathing when lying flat in last 7 days [MDSv3] | 54843-8 |
child | Shortness of breath or trouble breathing when sitting at rest in last 7 days [MDSv3] | 54842-0 |
child | Can pronounce naive [AmNART] | 77511-4 |
child | Shortness of breath or trouble breathing with exertion in last 7 days [MDSv3] | 54841-2 |
child | Shortness of breath with activity [HIV-SSC] | 28395-2 |
child | Short-term memory OK [Minimum Data Set] | 45483-5 |
child | Short-term memory OK during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 54616-8 |
child | Should brief interview for mental status be conducted during 3 day assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 83248-5 |
child | Should resident mood interview be conducted during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 54634-1 |
child | Should staff assessment for mental status be conducted during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 54615-0 |
child | Shower/bathe self - functional ability during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 89397-4 |
child | Shower/bathe self - functional ability during 3 day assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 83226-1 |
child | Shower/bathe self - functional goal during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 89396-6 |
child | Can pronounce nausea [AmNART] | 77510-6 |
child | Shower/bathe self - functional goal during 3 day assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 83225-3 |
child | Shower/bathe self - most dependent performance during the past month [CMS Assessment] | 94936-2 |
child | Shower/bathe self - usual functional ability during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 95015-4 |
child | Shower/bathe self during 2 day assessment period [CARE] | 52662-4 |
child | Showering or bathing was limited by heart failure over the past 2 weeks [KCCQ] | 86483-5 |
child | Showers for bathing [Minimum Data Set] | 45443-9 |
child | Side vision problems [Minimum Data Set] | 45512-1 |
child | Guardian or legally authorized representative signature for Social Security Number request | 87294-5 |
child | Signature of person collecting or coordinating collection of assessment information Provider | 85647-6 |
child | Signature of persons completing the assessment during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 85648-4 |
child | Can pronounce papyrus [AmNART] | 77535-3 |
child | Signature verifying assessment completion | 70127-6 |
child | Significant job changes during the COVID-19 outbreak | 97113-5 |
child | Significantly disrupt care or living environment during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 54691-1 |
child | Significantly interfere with the resident's care during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 54687-9 |
child | Significantly interfere with the resident's participation in activities or social interactions during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 54688-7 |
child | Significantly intrude on the privacy or activity of others during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 54690-3 |
child | Signs and symptoms of delirium (from CAM) [CAM.MDSv3] | 54627-5 |
child | Signs and symptoms of delirium (from CAM) during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 95816-5 |
child | Signs and symptoms of swallowing disorder during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 86677-2 |
child | Signs of soft tissue infection present [ESRD] | 71478-2 |
child | Can pronounce placebo [AmNART] | 77516-3 |
child | Signs or symptoms of possible swallowing disorder - none of the above [MDSv3] | 54862-8 |
child | Simple financial management - most dependent performance during the past month [CMS Assessment] | 94973-5 |
child | Simple financial management - usual functional ability during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 94986-7 |
child | Simplified disease activity index [SDAI] | 75843-3 |
child | Since the coronavirus I have seen a lot more cyberbullying of people of my race/ethnicity [CRBS] | 96833-9 |
child | Sit [RFC] | 46648-2 |
child | Sit to lying - functional ability during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 89395-8 |
child | Sit to lying - functional ability during 3 day assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 83216-2 |
child | Sit to lying - functional goal during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 89394-1 |
child | Sit to lying - functional goal during 3 day assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 83215-4 |
child | Can pronounce prelate [AmNART] | 77537-9 |
child | Sit to lying - most dependent performance during the past month [CMS Assessment] | 94941-2 |
child | Sit to lying - usual functional ability during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 95010-5 |
child | Sit to lying during 2 day assessment period [CARE] | 52664-0 |
child | Sit to stand - functional ability during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 89393-3 |
child | Sit to stand - functional ability during 3 day assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 83212-1 |
child | Sit to stand - functional goal during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 89392-5 |
child | Sit to stand - functional goal during 3 day assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 83211-3 |
child | Sit to stand - most dependent performance during the past month [CMS Assessment] | 94943-8 |
child | Sit to stand - usual functional ability during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 95008-9 |
child | Sit to stand during 2 day assessment period [CARE] | 52649-1 |
child | Can pronounce pugilist [AmNART] | 77513-0 |
child | Sitting - confidence [OPTIMAL] | 69523-9 |
child | Sitting - confidence - score change [OPTIMAL] | 69603-9 |
child | Sitting - difficulty [OPTIMAL] | 69500-7 |
child | Sitting - difficulty - score change [OPTIMAL] | 69624-5 |
child | Sitting endurance - able to tolerate sitting for 15 minutes during 2 day assessment period [CARE] | 52639-2 |
child | Situation analysis [CDC Emergency Operations Centers] | 89758-7 |
child | Situational report [CDC Emergency Operations Centers] | 89768-6 |
child | Situational self-esteem disturbance [CCC] | 28206-1 |
child | Skilled nursing facility considered appropriate [CARE] | 52703-6 |
child | Skills and tools to change behavior | 99558-9 |
child | Can pronounce quadruped [AmNART] | 77536-1 |
child | Skin and ulcer/injury treatments during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 86748-1 |
child | Skin and ulcer treatments - none of above provided in last 7 days [MDSv3] | 54981-6 |
child | Skin and ulcer treatments in last 7 days | 54971-7 |
child | Skin condition section | 46046-9 |
child | Skin conditions | 54572-3 |
child | Skin conditions - Long term care hospital [CARE] | 70112-8 |
child | Skin desensitized to pain or pressure [Minimum Data Set] | 45787-9 |
child | Skin incision [CCC] | 28207-9 |
child | Skin integrity alteration [CCC] | 28526-2 |
child | Skin integrity impairment [CCC] | 28208-7 |
child | Can pronounce scion [AmNART] | 77534-6 |
child | Skin integrity impairment risk [CCC] | 28209-5 |
child | Skin integrity panel | 52474-4 |
child | Skin lesion or open wound during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 46534-4 |
child | Skin tear(s) [MDSv3] | 71450-1 |
child | Skin tears or cuts (other than surgery) [Minimum Data Set] | 45788-7 |
child | Skin treatments Set | 46050-1 |
child | Skin treatments - none of above [Minimum Data Set] | 45800-0 |
child | Skin Behavior Community [OMAHA] | 46885-0 |
child | Skin Behavior Family [OMAHA] | 28471-1 |
child | Skin Behavior [OMAHA] | 28299-6 |
child | Activity intolerance risk [CCC] | 28082-6 |
child | Can pronounce sieve [AmNART] | 77520-5 |
child | Skin Knowledge Community [OMAHA] | 46886-8 |
child | Skin Knowledge Family [OMAHA] | 28472-9 |
child | Skin Knowledge [OMAHA] | 28300-2 |
child | Skin Status Community [OMAHA] | 46887-6 |
child | Skin Status Family [OMAHA] | 28473-7 |
child | Skin Status [OMAHA] | 28301-0 |
child | Skindex mini [Skindex Mini] | 96034-4 |
child | Skindex-16 [Skindex-16] | 95975-9 |
child | Skindex-29 [Skindex-29] | 95996-5 |
child | Sleep And Rest Pattern Behavior Community [OMAHA] | 46888-4 |
child | Can pronounce smile [AmNART] | 77518-9 |
child | Sleep And Rest Pattern Behavior Family [OMAHA] | 28498-4 |
child | Sleep And Rest Pattern Behavior [OMAHA] | 28341-6 |
child | Sleep And Rest Pattern Knowledge Community [OMAHA] | 46889-2 |
child | Sleep And Rest Pattern Knowledge Family [OMAHA] | 28499-2 |
child | Sleep And Rest Pattern Knowledge [OMAHA] | 28342-4 |
child | Sleep And Rest Pattern Status Community [OMAHA] | 46890-0 |
child | Sleep And Rest Pattern Status Family [OMAHA] | 28500-7 |
child | Sleep And Rest Pattern Status [OMAHA] | 28343-2 |
child | Sleep deprivation [CCC] | 42847-4 |
child | Sleep panel [R-Outcomes] | 97890-8 |
child | Can pronounce subtle [AmNART] | 77512-2 |
child | Sleep pattern disturbance [CCC] | 28210-3 |
child | Deprecated Deprecated Sleep Protocols PROMIS | 61981-7 |
child | Sleep sitting up in a chair or with at least 3 pillows to prop you up because of shortness of breath over the past 2 weeks [KCCQ] | 86485-0 |
child | Sleep score [R-Outcomes] | 97891-6 |
child | Sleep well | 97895-7 |
child | Sleep-cycle issues Set | 45999-0 |
child | Sleeping [NDI] | 82235-3 |
child | Small things upset me in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS] | 91322-8 |
child | Small things upset my child in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 91357-4 |
child | Smoking allows me to take a break from my problems for a few minutes [PROMIS] | 92212-0 |
child | Can pronounce superfluous [AmNART] | 77524-7 |
child | Smoking calms me down [PROMIS] | 92211-2 |
child | Smoking causes damage to my gums and teeth [PROMIS] | 92265-8 |
child | Smoking causes me to get tired easily [PROMIS] | 92264-1 |
child | Smoking helps me concentrate [PROMIS] | 92224-5 |
child | Smoking helps me deal with anxiety [PROMIS] | 92210-4 |
child | Smoking helps me feel more relaxed when I'm with other people [PROMIS] | 92322-7 |
child | Smoking helps me reduce tension [PROMIS] | 92209-6 |
child | Smoking helps me when I'm upset about something [PROMIS] | 92208-8 |
child | Smoking irritates my mouth and throat [PROMIS] | 92263-3 |
child | Smoking is a part of my self-image [PROMIS] | 92321-9 |
child | Can pronounce syncope [AmNART] | 77542-9 |
child | Smoking is relaxing [PROMIS] | 92223-7 |
child | Smoking is taking years off my life [PROMIS] | 92262-5 |
child | Smoking is the fastest way to reward myself [PROMIS] | 92222-9 |
child | Smoking makes me feel better in social situations [PROMIS] | 92320-1 |
child | Smoking makes me feel content [PROMIS] | 92221-1 |
child | Smoking makes me less depressed [PROMIS] | 92220-3 |
child | Smoking makes me short of breath [PROMIS] | 92261-7 |
child | Smoking makes me worry about getting emphysema [PROMIS] | 92260-9 |
child | Smoking makes me worry about getting heart troubles [PROMIS] | 92259-1 |
child | Smoking makes my lungs hurt [PROMIS] | 92258-3 |
child | Can pronounce thyme [AmNART] | 77526-2 |
child | Smoking stimulates me [PROMIS] | 92219-5 |
child | SNF Part A Interrupted Stay during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 90525-7 |
child | SNF Part A PPS discharge assessment during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 86525-3 |
child | So many things yet undone [Living with HIV] | 28165-9 |
child | Social - family well-being [FACIT] | 70499-9 |
child | Social - family well-being - FAACT-parent_adoles [FACIT] | 71264-6 |
child | Social - family well-being - FAACT-peds [FACIT] | 71218-2 |
child | Social - family well-being - FACT-Br-peds [FACIT] | 71317-2 |
child | Social - family well being - FACT-GP [FACIT] | 75797-1 |
child | Social - family well-being - FAMS [FACIT] | 71141-6 |
child | Can pronounce virulent [AmNART] | 77528-8 |
child | Social and emotional health [PRAPARE] | 93040-4 |
child | Social and family well-being - FACT-Br -peds-parent_adoles [FACIT] | 71322-2 |
child | Social and family well-being - FACT-Br -peds-parent_child [FACIT] | 71321-4 |
child | Social connection and isolation panel | 76506-5 |
child | Social contact panel [R-Outcomes] | 96939-4 |
child | Social contact score [R-Outcomes] | 96940-2 |
child | Social Contact Behavior Community [OMAHA] | 46891-8 |
child | Social Contact Behavior Family [OMAHA] | 28418-2 |
child | Social Contact Behavior [OMAHA] | 28344-0 |
child | Social Contact Knowledge Community [OMAHA] | 46892-6 |
child | Can pronounce worsted [AmNART] | 77508-0 |
child | Social Contact Knowledge Family [OMAHA] | 28419-0 |
child | Social Contact Knowledge [OMAHA] | 28345-7 |
child | Social Contact Status Community [OMAHA] | 46893-4 |
child | Social Contact Status Family [OMAHA] | 28420-8 |
child | Social Contact Status [OMAHA] | 28346-5 |
child | Social determinants of health panel [R-Outcomes] | 96951-9 |
child | Social determinants of health score [R-Outcomes] | 96952-7 |
child | Social enviromental domain risk level [ePCAM] | 85449-7 |
child | Social enviromental total [ePCAM] | 85448-9 |
child | Social environmental panel [ePCAM] | 85460-4 |
child | Can pronounce zealot [AmNART] | 77529-6 |
child | Social environmental panel [PCAM] | 83334-3 |
child | Social interaction alteration [CCC] | 28211-1 |
child | Social interaction with other people - family, friends, or others - over the past month [Reported] | 72351-0 |
child | Social isolation [CCC] | 28212-9 |
child | Social isolation score [NHANES] | 76512-3 |
child | Social limitation score [KCCQ] | 72196-9 |
child | Social network [PCAM] | 83324-4 |
child | Social network - visual analog rating [ePCAM] | 85463-8 |
child | Social Security and Medicare numbers | 45966-9 |
child | Deprecated Social Security and Medicare numbers | 54504-6 |
child | Can provide correct date [GPCOG] | 79105-3 |
child | Social Security Number was requested | 87295-2 |
child | Social support index [MOS Social Support Survey] | 91663-5 |
child | Social well-being [FACIT] | 71129-1 |
child | Social well being - FAACT-peds - parent_child [FACIT] | 71275-2 |
child | Social Withdrawal Survey version 2.0 - parent report - ages 3-12 - T-score [NIH Toolbox] | 85111-3 |
child | Social Withdrawal Survey version 2.0 - parent report - fixed length form - ages 3-12 [NIH Toolbox] | 85112-1 |
child | Socialization alteration [CCC] | 28525-4 |
child | Sodium profiling-modeling prescribed for any dialysis sessions in the reporting month [ESRD] | 72069-8 |
child | Sodium restriction education received [ESRD] | 72077-1 |
child | Soft tissue pain [Minimum Data Set] | 45719-2 |
child | Activity level before injury | 99284-2 |
child | Can recall 42 [GPCOG] | 79111-1 |
child | Software product error [MDSv3] | 58227-0 |
child | Some or all natural teeth lost but does not have or use dentures or partial plates [Minimum Data Set] | 45771-3 |
child | Somewhat disconnected [Living with HIV] | 28166-7 |
child | Sought medical attention for symptoms | 99344-4 |
child | Sources of stress [SAMHSA] | 68523-0 |
child | Speaking [RFC] | 46679-7 |
child | Speaks a language other than English at home | 97027-7 |
child | Special behavior symptom evaluation program [Minimum Data Set] | 45853-9 |
child | Special care Set | 46061-8 |
child | Special treatments/programs - none of above Set [MDSv3] | 75795-5 |
child | Can recall Brown [GPCOG] | 79110-3 |
child | Special treatments/programs - none of above [Minimum Data Set] | 45759-8 |
child | Special treatments andor programs - none of above - while a resident [MDSv3] | 59373-1 |
child | Special treatments andor programs - none of above - while NOT a resident [MDSv3] | 59374-9 |
child | Special treatments and procedures | 54990-7 |
child | Special treatments and procedures Set | 46073-3 |
child | Special treatments and procedures section | 46059-2 |
child | Special treatments and programs in last 14 days | 54991-5 |
child | Special treatments, procedures and programs Set | 46060-0 |
child | Special treatments, procedures, and programs at admission [CMS Assessment] | 83252-7 |
child | Special treatments, procedures, and programs at discharge [CMS Assessment] | 93185-7 |
child | Can recall current season [Minimum Data Set] | 45485-0 |
child | Specialty care unit Type [NHCS] | 78021-3 |
child | Have you been to any other places or events not yet specified | 104059-1 |
child | Specimen care is maintained | 100002-5 |
child | Speech [ALSFRS-R] | 82940-8 |
child | Speech And Language Behavior Community [OMAHA] | 46894-2 |
child | Speech And Language Behavior Family [OMAHA] | 28456-2 |
child | Speech And Language Behavior [OMAHA] | 28347-3 |
child | Speech And Language Knowledge Community [OMAHA] | 46895-9 |
child | Speech And Language Knowledge Family [OMAHA] | 28457-0 |
child | Speech And Language Knowledge [OMAHA] | 28348-1 |
child | Can recall current season in last 7 days [MDSv3] | 54619-2 |
child | Speech And Language Status Community [OMAHA] | 46896-7 |
child | Speech And Language Status Family [OMAHA] | 28458-8 |
child | Speech And Language Status [OMAHA] | 28349-9 |
child | Speech and oral expression of language during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 57218-0 |
child | Speech clarity [Minimum Data Set] | 45511-3 |
child | Speech clarity.description of speech pattern during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 54600-2 |
child | Speech-language pathology and audiology services [MDSv3] | 58132-2 |
child | Speech-language pathology and audiology services during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 86763-0 |
child | Speech-language pathology and audiology services - concurrent minutes during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 90536-4 |
child | Speech-language pathology and audiology services - concurrent minutes in the last 7 days [CMS Assessment] | 58133-0 |
child | Can recall John [GPCOG] | 79109-5 |
child | Speech-language pathology and audiology services - co-treatment minutes during 7 day assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 86765-5 |
child | Speech-language pathology and audiology services - co-treatment minutes during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 90537-2 |
child | Speech-language pathology and audiology services - group minutes during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 90538-0 |
child | Speech-language pathology and audiology services - group minutes in the last 7 days [CMS Assessment] | 58134-8 |
child | Speech-language pathology and audiology services - individual minutes during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 90539-8 |
child | Speech-language pathology and audiology services - individual minutes in the last 7 days [CMS Assessment] | 58218-9 |
child | Speech-language pathology and audiology services since the start date of the resident's most recent Medicare Part A stay [CMS Assessment] | 90545-5 |
child | Speech-language pathology services - concurrent minutes--week 1 [CMS Assessment] | 85491-9 |
child | Speech-language pathology services - concurrent minutes--week 2 [CMS Assessment] | 85576-7 |
child | Speech-language pathology services - co-treatment minutes--week 1 [CMS Assessment] | 85489-3 |
child | Can recall Kensington [GPCOG] | 79113-7 |
child | Speech-language pathology services - co-treatment minutes--week 2 [CMS Assessment] | 85578-3 |
child | Speech-language pathology services - group minutes--week 1 [CMS Assessment] | 85490-1 |
child | Speech-language pathology services - group minutes--week 2 [CMS Assessment] | 85577-5 |
child | Speech-language pathology services - individual minutes--week 1 [CMS Assessment] | 85492-7 |
child | Speech-language pathology services - individual minutes--week 2 [CMS Assessment] | 85575-9 |
child | Spends most time alone or watching TV [Minimum Data Set] | 45432-2 |
child | Spiritual distress [CCC] | 28213-7 |
child | Spiritual state alteration [CCC] | 28214-5 |
child | Spirituality Behavior Community [OMAHA] | 46897-5 |
child | Spirituality Behavior Family [OMAHA] | 28427-3 |
child | Can recall location of own room [Minimum Data Set] | 45486-8 |
child | Spirituality Behavior [OMAHA] | 28350-7 |
child | Spirituality Knowledge Community [OMAHA] | 46898-3 |
child | Spirituality Knowledge Family [OMAHA] | 28428-1 |
child | Spirituality Knowledge [OMAHA] | 28351-5 |
child | Spirituality Status Community [OMAHA] | 46899-1 |
child | Spirituality Status Family [OMAHA] | 28429-9 |
child | Spirituality Status [OMAHA] | 28352-3 |
child | Sport-recreation score [HOOS] | 72094-6 |
child | Sport-recreation score [KOOS] | 72099-5 |
child | Sport-recreation score change [HOOS] | 79432-1 |
child | Can recall location of own room in last 7 days [MDSv3] | 54620-0 |
child | Sport-recreation score change [KOOS] | 79437-0 |
child | Squatting - confidence [OPTIMAL] | 69524-7 |
child | Squatting - confidence - score change [OPTIMAL] | 69602-1 |
child | Squatting - difficulty | 69501-5 |
child | Squatting - difficulty - score change [OPTIMAL] | 69623-7 |
child | St. Louis University Mental Status (SLUMS) Examination [SLUMS] | 71947-6 |
child | Stability of conditions Set | 46036-0 |
child | Stability of conditions - none of above [Minimum Data Set] | 45730-9 |
child | Staff assessment for mental status [MDSv3] | 54895-8 |
child | Staff assessment for pain | 54561-6 |
child | Can recall staff names/faces [Minimum Data Set] | 45487-6 |
child | Staff assessment for pain during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 86672-3 |
child | Staff assessment of daily and activity preferences | 54521-0 |
child | Staff assessment of daily and activity preferences during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 86599-8 |
child | Staff assessment of daily and activity preferences should be conducted during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 54715-8 |
child | Deprecated Staff assessment of mood should be conductedr MDSv3 | 54656-4 |
child | Staff assessment of resident mood (PHQ-9-OV) [Observed PHQ-9 CMS] | 54657-2 |
child | Staff assessment of resident mood (PHQ-9-OV) during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 103706-8 |
child | Staff assessment of resident mood (PHQ-9-OV) - symptom frequency in the last 2 weeks [CMS Assessment] | 86891-9 |
child | Staff assessment of resident mood (PHQ-9-OV) - symptom presence in the last 2 weeks [CMS Assessment] | 86833-1 |
child | Staff assessment of resident mood total severity score [Observed PHQ-9 CMS] | 54677-0 |
child | Can recall staff names and faces in last 7 days [MDSv3] | 54621-8 |
child | Staff assessment of resident mood total severity score during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 103707-6 |
child | Staff pain assessment interview should be conducted during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 58117-3 |
child | Staff [#] who declined influenza vaccine | 86556-8 |
child | Staff [#] who had a medical contraindication to the influenza vaccine | 86555-0 |
child | Staff [#] who provided documentation of influenza vaccine receipt | 86554-3 |
child | Staff [#] who received influenza vaccination at the facility | 86553-5 |
child | Staff [#] who worked at facility at least one day from October 1 through March 31 | 86552-7 |
child | Staff [#] with unknown influenza vaccination status | 86557-6 |
child | Stage 1 [MDSv3] | 58215-5 |
child | Stage 2 pressure injuries not present or at a lesser stage on admission/reentry during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 83283-2 |
child | Activity limitations panel [SAQ] | 88481-7 |
child | Can recall that he or she is in a nursing home in last 7 days [MDSv3] | 54622-6 |
child | Stage 3 or 4 pressure injury with largest surface dimensions | 57188-5 |
child | Stage 3 pressure injuries not present or at a lesser stage on admission/reentry during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 83284-0 |
child | Stage 4 pressure injuries not present or at a lesser stage on admission/reentry during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 83285-7 |
child | Stage in the process that the event originated, regardless of the stage at which it was discovered [AHRQ] | 74063-9 |
child | Stage of most problematic pressure injury [OASIS] | 46541-9 |
child | Stage of most problematic pressure injury during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 57231-3 |
child | Stand/walk [RFC] | 46647-4 |
child | Standard operating procedures inventory [CDC Emergency Operations Centers] | 89749-6 |
child | Standard process followed for residual renal function assessed in calculating Kt/V [ESRD] | 70954-3 |
child | Standardized depression screening was conducted during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 57242-0 |
child | Can recall that he or she is in nursing home [Minimum Data Set] | 45488-4 |
child | Standardized fall risk assessment was conducted during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 57254-5 |
child | Standing [TIMP] | 60730-9 |
child | Deprecated Staphylococcus aureus.methicillin resistant or Enterococcus species.vancomycin resistant or Clostridium difficile infections &or colonization in last 30D MDSv3 | 54789-3 |
child | Start and terminate response [CDC Emergency Operations Centers] | 89746-2 |
child | STarT Back Screening risk level | 91352-5 |
child | STarT Back Screening Tool panel | 91349-1 |
child | Start date of most recent Medicare stay during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 54595-4 |
child | Start date of occupational therapy during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 55027-7 |
child | Start date of physical therapy during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 55029-3 |
child | Deprecated Start date of psychological therapy by any licensed mental health professional MDSv3 | 55033-5 |
child | Can recall West [GPCOG] | 79112-9 |
child | Deprecated Start date of recreational and music therapy MDSv3 | 55037-6 |
child | Start date of respiratory therapy [MDSv3] | 55031-9 |
child | Start date of speech language pathology and audiology services during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 55025-1 |
child | Start of care date during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 46497-4 |
child | Start time Study | 61136-8 |
child | Stasis ulcer [OASIS] | 46543-5 |
child | Stasis ulcer [CMS Assessment] | 57232-1 |
child | Stasis ulcer stage [Minimum Data Set] | 45781-2 |
child | State location of Facility | 68488-6 |
child | State assigned facility submission ID | 55077-2 |
child | Can report something that happened in the news recently [GPCOG] | 79108-7 |
child | State case mix - RUG group | 55068-1 |
child | State case mix - RUG version code | 55069-9 |
child | State catchment area Population [Estimated] | 52867-9 |
child | State location of agency branch [CMS Assessment] | 46494-1 |
child | State Medicaid billing | 55067-3 |
child | State notifiable condition case identifier | 77993-4 |
child | State of commission Notary [Reported] | 103977-5 |
child | State or province of birth | 80910-3 |
child | Deprecated State required assessment MDSv3 | 54586-3 |
child | State, district or territory federal abbreviation Facility | 52830-7 |
child | Can you bend your knee fully during the last week [KOOS] | 88793-5 |
child | Statement of document creator [Reported] | 81382-4 |
child | Statement of witness [Reported] | 81368-3 |
child | States that life isn't worth living, wishes for death, or attempts to harm self in last 2 weeks.frequency [Observed PHQ-9 CMS] | 54674-7 |
child | States that life isn't worth living, wishes for death, or attempts to harm self in last 2 weeks.presence [Observed PHQ-9 CMS] | 54673-9 |
child | Status of critical regional infrastructure | 91020-8 |
child | Status of most problematic pressure injury [OASIS] | 46542-7 |
child | Status of most problematic pressure injury during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 57229-7 |
child | Status of most problematic stasis ulcer [OASIS] | 46546-8 |
child | Status of most problematic stasis pressure injury during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 57234-7 |
child | Status of most problematic surgical wound [OASIS] | 46550-0 |
child | Can you find companionship when you want it [PROMIS] | 76718-6 |
child | Status of most problematic surgical wound during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 57236-2 |
child | Status of regional dialysis centers | 91018-2 |
child | Status of regional human shelters | 91019-0 |
child | Stay at home and receive treatment [Living with HIV] | 28167-5 |
child | Stay at home to avoid social contact | 98169-6 |
child | Stay Independent panel [Stay Independent] | 97874-2 |
child | Stay Independent total score [Stay Independent] | 97885-8 |
child | Stay projected to be of a short duration - discharge projected within 90 days [Minimum Data Set] | 45882-8 |
child | Stayed home all day | 96883-4 |
child | Stays busy with hobbies, reading or fixed daily routine [Minimum Data Set] | 45431-4 |
child | Can you straighten your knee fully during the last week [KOOS] | 88794-3 |
child | Stays up late at night [Minimum Data Set] | 45428-0 |
child | Stiffness panel [HOOS] | 88785-1 |
child | Stiffness panel [KOOS] | 88826-3 |
child | Stillbirth indicator [CDC.CS] | 75207-1 |
child | Stomach pain [Minimum Data Set] | 45720-0 |
child | Stomach pain interferes with my daily functioning in the past 7 days [FACIT] | 70687-9 |
child | Stooping [RFC] | 46655-7 |
child | Stranger forced document signature for financial gain | 100328-4 |
child | Stranger forged signature for financial gain | 100327-6 |
child | Street address where death occurred if not facility | 69435-6 |
child | Can you walk 25 feet on a level surface (with or without support) [PROMIS] | 78997-4 |
child | Street opioids substance involvement score [NIDA] | 95510-4 |
child | Strength from family [Living with HIV] | 28529-6 |
child | Stress disturbed my sleep in past 7 days [PROMIS] | 62007-0 |
child | Stress urinary incontinence [CCC] | 28215-2 |
child | Strong identification with past roles and life status [Minimum Data Set] | 45584-0 |
child | Structural barrier.other specified [CARE] | 52544-4 |
child | Structural barriers in prior residence that could interfere with the patient's discharge | 52543-6 |
child | Student during the COVID-19 outbreak | 97116-8 |
child | Student in the few weeks before COVID-19 outbreak | 97115-0 |
child | Submission requirement [MDSv3] | 54896-6 |
child | Canadian triage and acuity scale [CTAS] | 75910-0 |
child | Substance abuse [CCC] | 42828-4 |
child | Substance abuse symptoms score [CUBS] | 89562-3 |
child | Substance Use Behavior Community [OMAHA] | 46900-7 |
child | Substance Use Behavior Family [OMAHA] | 28507-2 |
child | Substance Use Behavior [OMAHA] | 28353-1 |
child | Substance Use Knowledge Community [OMAHA] | 46901-5 |
child | Substance Use Knowledge Family [OMAHA] | 28508-0 |
child | Substance Use Knowledge [OMAHA] | 28354-9 |
child | Substance Use Status Community [OMAHA] | 46902-3 |
child | Substance Use Status Family [OMAHA] | 28509-8 |
child | Cancer | 54532-7 |
child | Substance Use Status [OMAHA] | 28355-6 |
child | Substances that have caused a friend or relative or anyone else to ever express concern about your use [NIDA] | 95481-8 |
child | Substances that have caused you to fail to do what was normally expected of you during the past 3 months [NIDA] | 95502-1 |
child | Substances that have led to health, social, legal or financial problems during the past 3 months [NIDA] | 95501-3 |
child | Substances that you have ever tried and failed to control, cut down or stop using [NIDA] | 95503-9 |
child | Substances you have had a strong desire or urge to use during the past 3 months [NIDA] | 95500-5 |
child | Suctioning [Minimum Data Set] | 45849-7 |
child | Maximum suctioning frequency per hour during stay [CARE] | 52566-7 |
child | Suctioning in last 14 days - while a resident [MDSv3] | 54999-8 |
child | Suctioning in last 14 days - while not a resident [MDSv3] | 54998-0 |
child | Activity preferences - cards or other games [Minimum Data Set] | 45818-2 |
child | Cancer [Minimum Data Set] | 45677-2 |
child | Suddenly acting or feeling as if a stressful experience were happening again - as if you were reliving it - in the last month [PCL-C] | 70223-3 |
child | Suddenly feeling or acting as if the stressful experience were actually happening again (as if you were actually back there reliving it) [PCL-5] | 101705-2 |
child | Suffocation risk [CCC] | 28216-0 |
child | Suicidal behavior [C-SSRS] | 93304-4 |
child | Suicidal behavior [C-SSRS.PCI] | 95404-0 |
child | Suicidal ideation [C-SSRS] | 93278-0 |
child | Lifetime suicide risk score [CUBS] | 89559-9 |
child | Suicide risk [CCC] | 42823-5 |
child | Suicide risk score [CUBS] | 89560-7 |
child | Suicide risk level | 93374-7 |
child | Cancer in last 30 days [MDSv3] | 54774-5 |
child | Summary conclusions Set | 46612-8 |
child | Supervision and safety assistance needed [CARE] | 52699-6 |
child | Supine neck rotation (left) [TIMP] | 60714-3 |
child | Supine neck rotation (right) [TIMP] | 60713-5 |
child | Supplemental Functional Ability | 52519-6 |
child | Support Needs/Caregiver Assistance | 52528-7 |
child | Surface-to-surface transfer during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 54753-9 |
child | Surgery provider explained what to expect during LASIK recovery period | 99749-4 |
child | Surgical procedures requiring active SNF care during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 90745-1 |
child | Surgical recovery delay [CCC] | 42827-6 |
child | Cancer treatments in last 14 days | 55086-3 |
child | Surgical wound [OASIS] | 46547-6 |
child | Surgical wound during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 57235-4 |
child | Surgical wound care [Minimum Data Set] | 45796-0 |
child | Surgical wound care provided in last 7 days [MDSv3] | 54977-4 |
child | Surgical wound(s) in last 7 days [MDSv3] | 54966-7 |
child | Surgical wounds [Minimum Data Set] | 45789-5 |
child | Mother's Surveillance stage of syphilis during pregnancy [CDC.CS] | 75181-8 |
child | Survey reporting period end date Facility | 52833-1 |
child | Survey reporting period start date Facility | 52832-3 |
child | Suspected chromosomal disorder karyotype status [US Standard Certificate of Live Birth] | 73778-3 |
child | Cane/crutch normally used in last 7 days [MDSv3] | 54756-2 |
child | Sustains an ordinary routine without special supervision [RFC] | 46620-1 |
child | Swallowing | 52504-8 |
child | Swallowing [ALSFRS-R] | 82942-4 |
child | Swallowing - nutritional status - Long term care hospital [CARE] | 70115-1 |
child | Swallowing/nutritional status | 54565-7 |
child | Swallowing disorder | 54566-5 |
child | Swallowing disorder [CARE] | 52618-6 |
child | Swallowing disorder.other specified [CARE] | 52619-4 |
child | Swallowing impairment [CCC] | 28226-9 |
child | Swallowing problem [Minimum Data Set] | 45732-5 |
child | Cannabis substance involvement score [NIDA] | 95493-3 |
child | Swallowing status during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 85846-4 |
child | Swallowing status - admission during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 85408-3 |
child | Swallowing status - discharge during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 85409-1 |
child | Swallowing usual ability [CARE] | 52620-2 |
child | Swelling in your feet, ankles or legs when you woke up over the past 2 weeks [KCCQ] | 86479-3 |
child | Swelling keeps me from doing the things I want to do in the past 7 days [FACIT] | 70458-5 |
child | Swelling keeps me from wearing clothes or shoes I want to wear in the past 7 days [FACIT] | 70459-3 |
child | Swing bed clinical change assessment during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 58107-4 |
child | Swollen joint | 88984-0 |
child | Swollen joint # | 88980-8 |
child | Capital of Assyria | 86507-1 |
child | Symptom burden score [KCCQ] | 72192-8 |
child | Symptom control rating during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 85920-7 |
child | Symptom frequency score [KCCQ] | 72193-6 |
child | Symptom frequency score [SAQ] | 88471-8 |
child | Symptom score [Skindex-29] | 95997-3 |
child | Symptom score [Skindex-16] | 95976-7 |
child | Symptom score [AUASI] | 80891-5 |
child | Symptom stability score [KCCQ] | 72194-4 |
child | Symptoms [RFC] | 46691-2 |
child | Symptoms in heart failure patients during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 57239-6 |
child | Car transfer - functional ability during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 89413-9 |
child | Symptoms panel [HOOS] | 88786-9 |
child | Symptoms panel [KOOS] | 88827-1 |
child | Symptoms score [HOOS] | 72096-1 |
child | Symptoms score [KOOS] | 72101-9 |
child | Symptoms score change [HOOS] | 79434-7 |
child | Symptoms score change [KOOS] | 79439-6 |
child | Syncope [Minimum Data Set] | 45706-9 |
child | Syphilis treatment was given and treatment description [CDC.CS] | 75197-4 |
child | Syringe or oral feeding [Minimum Data Set] | 45744-0 |
child | Father's Tabulated ethnicity [CDC] | 88118-5 |
child | Car transfer - functional ability during 3 day assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 83206-3 |
child | Mother's Tabulated ethnicity [CDC] | 88117-7 |
child | Tabulated ethnicity [CDC] | 80978-0 |
child | Tabulated race [CDC] | 80977-2 |
child | Tactile alteration [CCC] | 28227-7 |
child | Take time for important things [Living with HIV] | 28168-3 |
child | Taking an active role in my child's health care is the most important thing that affects his/her health Parent [PAM] | 87677-1 |
child | Taking an active role in my own health care is the most important thing that affects my health [PAM] | 86938-8 |
child | Taking an active role in this person's health care is one of the most important factors in determining her/his health and ability to function Caregiver [PAM] | 87691-2 |
child | Taking too many risks or doing things that could cause you harm [PCL-5] | 101702-9 |
child | Tangible support [MOS Social Support Survey] | 91644-5 |
child | Car transfer - functional goal during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 89412-1 |
child | Tangible support score [MOS Social Support Survey] | 91648-6 |
child | Task information [CDC Emergency Operations Centers] | 89753-8 |
child | Task segmentation [Minimum Data Set] | 45611-1 |
child | Task tracing [CDC Emergency Operations Centers] | 89750-4 |
child | Team communication is maintained throughout care | 100003-3 |
child | Technical procedure.behavior Family [OMAHA] | 28519-7 |
child | Technical procedure.behavior [OMAHA] | 28356-4 |
child | Technical procedure.knowledge Family [OMAHA] | 28520-5 |
child | Technical procedure.knowledge [OMAHA] | 28357-2 |
child | Technical procedure.status Family [OMAHA] | 28521-3 |
child | Car transfer - functional goal during 3 day assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 83205-5 |
child | Technical procedure.status [OMAHA] | 28358-0 |
child | Technical quality [FACIT] | 71084-8 |
child | Technology assessment [CDC Emergency Operations Centers] | 89783-5 |
child | Tegner Activity Scale panel [Tegner] | 99283-4 |
child | Telephone use - functional ability during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 46569-0 |
child | Telephone-answering during two day assessment period [CARE] | 52675-6 |
child | Telephone-placing call during two day assessment period [CARE] | 52676-4 |
child | Temporal orientation - CARE | 52490-0 |
child | Temporal Orientation - CARE Acute Care | 55759-5 |
child | Temporal orientation - current day of the week [BIMS] | 54609-3 |
child | Activity preferences - crafts or arts [Minimum Data Set] | 45819-0 |
child | Car transfer - most dependent performance during the past month [CMS Assessment] | 94946-1 |
child | Deprecated Temporal orientation - current day of the week [Observed.BIMS] | 52734-1 |
child | Temporal orientation - current day of the week [CMS Assessment] | 103703-5 |
child | Temporal orientation - current month [BIMS] | 52733-3 |
child | Deprecated Temporal orientation - current month | 54608-5 |
child | Temporal orientation - current month during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 103698-7 |
child | Temporal orientation - current year [BIMS] | 52732-5 |
child | Deprecated Temporal orientation - current year | 54607-7 |
child | Temporal orientation - current year during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 103697-9 |
child | Temporal Orientation/Mental Status | 52488-4 |
child | Temporal orientation and/or mental status - acute [CARE] | 69350-7 |
child | Car transfer - usual functional ability during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 95005-5 |
child | Temporal orientation (orientation to year, month, and day) [BIMS] | 54510-3 |
child | Temporal orientation (orientation to year, month, and day) during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 103702-7 |
child | Tender joint | 88983-2 |
child | Tender joint # | 88981-6 |
child | Test for balance Set | 46009-7 |
child | Test of Infant Motor Performance Version 5.1 | 60687-1 |
child | Tested for HIV [RHEA] | 72152-2 |
child | Tested for HIV Significant other [RHEA] | 72182-9 |
child | Testing of arteriovenous graft for access dysfunction performed [ESRD] | 72041-7 |
child | Testing of arteriovenous graft performed using static venous pressure [ESRD] | 72040-9 |
child | Car transfer during two day assessment period [CARE] | 52672-3 |
child | The amount I eat is sufficient to meet my needs in the past 7 days [FACIT] | 70677-0 |
child | The cancer-tumor experience has taught me to appreciate life in the past 7 days [FACIT] | 71172-1 |
child | The cancer-tumor experience has taught my child to appreciate life in the past 7 days [FACIT] | 71206-7 |
child | The cancer-tumor experience makes me a stronger person in the past 7 days [FACIT] | 71171-3 |
child | The cancer-tumor experience makes my child a stronger person in the past 7 days [FACIT] | 71205-9 |
child | The care I get in this practice is informed by knowledge of my community [PCPCM] | 94049-4 |
child | The care I get takes into account knowledge of my family [PCPCM] | 94048-6 |
child | The cost of my treatment is a burden on me or my family in the past 7 days [FACIT] | 70648-1 |
child | The current treatment has been going on for too long without success [PsoSat] | 90024-1 |
child | The effects of treatment are worse than I had imagined in the past 7 days [FACIT] | 70641-6 |
child | Car, Relax, Alone, Forget, Friends, Trouble Screening Test [CRAFFT] | 71942-7 |
child | The idea of death had a certain fascination for me in last week [BSL-23] | 72700-8 |
child | The idea of not having any cigarettes causes me stress [PROMIS] | 92304-5 |
child | The illness experience has taught me to appreciate life in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] | 71288-5 |
child | The illness experience has taught my child to appreciate life in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] | 71231-5 |
child | The illness experience makes me a stronger person in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] | 71287-7 |
child | The illness experience makes my child a stronger person in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] | 71232-3 |
child | The largest number of drinks that I had in a single day in past 30D was... [PROMIS] | 76909-1 |
child | The Primary Care PTSD Screen for DSM-5 [PC-PTSD-5] | 102010-6 |
child | The quality of my work is as good as I want it to be (include work at home) [PROMIS] | 76815-0 |
child | The quality of my work is as good as I want it to be (include work at home) in past 7 days [PROMIS] | 62047-6 |
child | Cardiac dysrhythmias [Minimum Data Set] | 45640-0 |
child | The side effects are causing me discomfort [PsoSat] | 90023-3 |
child | The skin side effects from treatment have interfered with household tasks in the past 7 days [FACIT] | 70619-2 |
child | The thought of harming myself has occurred to me in the past 7 days [EPDS] | 71353-7 |
child | The treatment itself is putting a great strain on me [PsoSat] | 90025-8 |
child | Therapeutic diet [Minimum Data Set] | 45745-7 |
child | Therapeutic diet in last 7 days [MDSv3] | 54867-7 |
child | Therapeutic substance administered at home during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 46466-9 |
child | Therapies Set | 46064-2 |
child | Therapies during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 86762-2 |
child | Therapies during Part A Medicare stay [CMS Assessment] | 90544-8 |
child | Cardiac output alteration [CCC] | 28149-3 |
child | Therapies in last 7 days | 55024-4 |
child | Deprecated Therapies ordered to begin in first 14D of stay MDSv3 | 55061-6 |
child | Deprecated Therapy evaluations completed MDSv3 | 55062-4 |
child | Therapy need [OASIS] | 46583-1 |
child | Therapy need during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 57268-5 |
child | Therapy need and plan of care during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 57050-7 |
child | Deprecated Therapy need and plan of care - follow-up [OASIS-C] | 69335-8 |
child | Therapy need and plan of care - follow-up during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 86253-2 |
child | Therapy orders to begin in 1st 14 days of stay [Minimum Data Set] | 45888-5 |
child | Deprecated Therapy supplement for Medicare PPS | 55059-0 |
child | Cardiac status | 57045-7 |
child | Therapy supplement for Medicare PPS section | 46072-5 |
child | There are people I can talk to [PROMIS] | 76871-3 |
child | There are pets in the household | 98532-5 |
child | There has been no progress in my treatment for quite some time [PsoSat] | 90022-5 |
child | Thermoregulation impairment [CCC] | 28228-5 |
child | Thermoregulation maintained core body temperature at desired range | 99992-0 |
child | These problems have interfered with my ability to do things I enjoy in the past 7 days [FACIT] | 70798-4 |
child | These problems have interfered with my ability to work in the past 7 days [FACIT] | 70797-6 |
child | These problems have interfered with the quality of my life in the past 7 days [FACIT] | 70799-2 |
child | These symptoms affect my relationships with friends or family [M3] | 71566-4 |
child | Cardiovascular alteration [CCC] | 28150-1 |
child | These symptoms have led to my using alcohol to get by [M3] | 71567-2 |
child | These symptoms have led to my using drugs [M3] | 71568-0 |
child | These symptoms interfere with work or school [M3] | 71565-6 |
child | Things are in the house that trigger breathing problems | 98527-5 |
child | Things are outside that trigger breathing problems | 98528-3 |
child | Things have been getting on top of me in the past 7 days [EPDS] | 71349-5 |
child | Things that make me laugh [Reported] | 81361-8 |
child | Things that matter to me [Reported] | 81363-4 |
child | Thinking about how you live: I am happy about where I live | 96955-0 |
child | Thinking about how you live: I am valued for what I do | 96954-3 |
child | Cardiovascular status is maintained at or improved from baseline levels | 99996-1 |
child | Thinking about how you live: I have enough money to cope | 96956-8 |
child | Thinking about how you live: I have had a good education | 96953-5 |
child | Thinking about my life, I always have hope [PROMIS.PEDS] | 91456-4 |
child | Thinking about my life, I am full of hope [PROMIS.PEDS] | 91457-2 |
child | Thinking about my life, I am positive about my future [PROMIS.PEDS] | 91458-0 |
child | Thinking about my life, I am satisfied with my purpose in life [PROMIS.PEDS] | 91459-8 |
child | Thinking about my life, I can do almost anything if I have enough faith in myself [PROMIS.PEDS] | 91460-6 |
child | Thinking about my life, I can reach my goals in life [PROMIS.PEDS] | 91461-4 |
child | Thinking about my life, I expect amazing things to happen to me [PROMIS.PEDS] | 91462-2 |
child | Thinking about my life, I expect things to work out for the best [PROMIS.PEDS] | 91463-0 |
child | Care Area Assessment (CAA) and care planning [MDSv3] | 58155-3 |
child | Thinking about my life, I expect to achieve my goals [PROMIS.PEDS] | 91464-8 |
child | Thinking about my life, I expect to achieve what I want in life [PROMIS.PEDS] | 91465-5 |
child | Thinking about my life, I expect to be successful in the future [PROMIS.PEDS] | 91466-3 |
child | Thinking about my life, I expect to enjoy my future life [PROMIS.PEDS] | 91467-1 |
child | Thinking about my life, I expect to have a family in the future [PROMIS.PEDS] | 91468-9 |
child | Thinking about my life, I expect to have a job in the future [PROMIS.PEDS] | 91469-7 |
child | Thinking about my life, I expect to have a long life [PROMIS.PEDS] | 91470-5 |
child | Thinking about my life, I expect to have success in the future [PROMIS.PEDS] | 91471-3 |
child | Thinking about my life, I expect to succeed at what I try to do [PROMIS.PEDS] | 91472-1 |
child | Thinking about my life, I feel hopeful about my future [PROMIS.PEDS] | 91473-9 |
child | Activity preferences - exercise or sports [Minimum Data Set] | 45820-8 |
child | Care Area Assessment (CAA) and care planning during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 87210-1 |
child | Thinking about my life, I feel hopeful about my plans for the future [PROMIS.PEDS] | 91474-7 |
child | Thinking about my life, I have a clear purpose in life [PROMIS.PEDS] | 91475-4 |
child | Thinking about my life, I have a reason for living [PROMIS.PEDS] | 91476-2 |
child | Thinking about my life, I have goals for myself [PROMIS.PEDS] | 91477-0 |
child | Thinking about my life, I have hope [PROMIS.PEDS] | 91478-8 |
child | Thinking about my life, I have things I need to do in life [PROMIS.PEDS] | 91479-6 |
child | Thinking about my life, I have things I want to accomplish in life [PROMIS.PEDS] | 91480-4 |
child | Thinking about my life, I have things I want to do in life [PROMIS.PEDS] | 91481-2 |
child | Thinking about my life, I know what makes my life meaningful [PROMIS.PEDS] | 91482-0 |
child | Thinking about my life, I know where I am going in life [PROMIS.PEDS] | 91483-8 |
child | Care Area Assessment (CAA) results [MDSv3] | 58156-1 |
child | Thinking about my life, I look forward to what will happen in the future [PROMIS.PEDS] | 91484-6 |
child | Thinking about my life, I make plans for my future [PROMIS.PEDS] | 91485-3 |
child | Thinking about my life, I try to find meaning in life [PROMIS.PEDS] | 91486-1 |
child | Thinking about my life, I try to find purpose in life [PROMIS.PEDS] | 91487-9 |
child | Thinking about my life, I want to do what is important [PROMIS.PEDS] | 91488-7 |
child | Thinking about my life, I want to make the most out of my life [PROMIS.PEDS] | 91489-5 |
child | Thinking about my life, my life has meaning [PROMIS.PEDS] | 91490-3 |
child | Thinking about my life, my life has purpose [PROMIS.PEDS] | 91491-1 |
child | Thinking about my life, my life is filled with important things [PROMIS.PEDS] | 91492-9 |
child | Thinking about my life, my life is filled with meaning [PROMIS.PEDS] | 91493-7 |
child | Care Area Assessment (CAA) results during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 87211-9 |
child | Thinking about my life, my life is filled with purpose [PROMIS.PEDS] | 91494-5 |
child | Thinking about my life, my life is filled with things that interest me [PROMIS.PEDS] | 91495-2 |
child | Thinking about my life, my life is important [PROMIS.PEDS] | 91496-0 |
child | Thinking about my life, people will remember me when I die [PROMIS.PEDS] | 91497-8 |
child | Thinking about my life, the things I have done in the past will help me in the future [PROMIS.PEDS] | 91498-6 |
child | Thinking about my life, when bad things happen, I expect them to get better [PROMIS.PEDS] | 91499-4 |
child | Thinking about the last 2 weeks, I feel that my back pain is terrible and it's never going to get any better [STarT Back] | 91346-7 |
child | Thinking about the last 2 weeks, in general I have not enjoyed all the things I used to enjoy [STarT Back] | 91347-5 |
child | Thinking about the last 2 weeks, it's not really safe for a person with a condition like mine to be physically active [STarT Back] | 91344-2 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, I enjoyed my life [PROMIS] | 90624-8 |
child | Care Area Assessment (CAA) Summary [MDSv3] | 58154-6 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, I enjoyed my life more than most kids enjoyed their lives [PROMIS] | 90645-3 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, I felt extremely positive about my life [PROMIS] | 90632-1 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, I felt good about my life [PROMIS] | 90629-7 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, I felt positive about my life [PROMIS] | 90627-1 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, I felt very good about my life [PROMIS] | 90630-5 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, I got the things I wanted in life [PROMIS] | 90647-9 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, I had a good life [PROMIS] | 90628-9 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, I had a lot of fun [PROMIS] | 90625-5 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, I had fun [PROMIS] | 90626-3 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, I had what I needed in life [PROMIS] | 90648-7 |
child | Care Area Assessment (CAA) Summary during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 87207-7 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, I had what I wanted in life [PROMIS] | 90649-5 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, I liked the way I lived my life [PROMIS] | 90623-0 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, I lived as well as other kids [PROMIS] | 90644-6 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, I lived my life well [PROMIS] | 90620-6 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, I was happy with my family life [PROMIS] | 90640-4 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, I was happy with my life [PROMIS] | 90631-3 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, I was happy with my life at home [PROMIS] | 90638-8 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, I was happy with my life at school [PROMIS] | 90639-6 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, I was happy with my life in my community [PROMIS] | 90636-2 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, I was happy with my life in my neighborhood [PROMIS] | 90637-0 |
child | Care area triggered during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 87212-7 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, I was happy with my social life [PROMIS] | 90641-2 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, I was happy with the way things were [PROMIS] | 90650-3 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, I was satified with my free time [PROMIS] | 90635-4 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, I was satisfied with my life [PROMIS] | 90633-9 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, I was satisfied with my life in general [PROMIS] | 90619-8 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, I was satisfied with my skills and talents [PROMIS] | 90634-7 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, I was satisfied with the friends I have [PROMIS] | 90642-0 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, my child enjoyed his/her life [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 90579-4 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, my child enjoyed his/her life more than most kids enjoyed their lives [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 90600-8 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, my child felt extremely positive about his/her life [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 90587-7 |
child | Care by kidney dietitian prior to end stage renal disease therapy | 67887-0 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, my child felt good about his/her life [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 90584-4 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, my child felt he/she lived as well as other kids [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 90599-2 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, my child felt he/she lived his/her life well [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 90575-2 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, my child felt positive about his/her life [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 90582-8 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, my child felt that his/her life was better than most kids' lives [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 90601-6 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, my child felt very good about his/her life [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 90585-1 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, my child got the things he/she wanted in life [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 90602-4 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, my child had a good life [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 90583-6 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, my child had a lot of fun [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 90580-2 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, my child had fun [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 90581-0 |
child | Care by nephrologist prior to end stage renal disease therapy | 67886-2 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, my child had what he/she needed in life [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 90603-2 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, my child had what he/she wanted in life [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 90604-0 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, my child liked the way he/she lived his/her life [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 90578-6 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, my child was happy with his/her family life [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 90595-0 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, my child was happy with his/her life [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 90586-9 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, my child was happy with his/her life at home [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 90593-5 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, my child was happy with his/her life at school [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 90594-3 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, my child was happy with his/her social life [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 90596-8 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, my child was happy with life in his/her community [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 90591-9 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, my child was happy with life in his/her neighborhood [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 90592-7 |
child | Care capacity # [Estimate] | 57124-0 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, my child was happy with the way things were [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 90605-7 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, my child was satisfied with his/her free time [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 90590-1 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, my child was satisfied with his/her life [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 90588-5 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, my child was satisfied with his/her life in general [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 90574-5 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, my child was satisfied with his/her skills and talents [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 90589-3 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, my child was satisfied with the friends he/she has [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 90597-6 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, my child's life situation was excellent [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 90606-5 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, my child's life was as good as most kids' lives [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 90598-4 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, my child's life was excellent [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 90612-3 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, my child's life was going very well [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 90609-9 |
child | Care goals documented | 52685-5 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, my child's life was good [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 90610-7 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, my child's life was great [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 90611-5 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, my child's life was ideal [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 90573-7 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, my child's life was just right [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 90608-1 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, my child's life was outstanding [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 90613-1 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, my child's life was the best [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 90614-9 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, my child's life was worthwhile [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 90577-8 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, my child's life went well [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 90576-0 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, my life situation was excellent [PROMIS] | 90651-1 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, my life was as good as most kids' lives [PROMIS] | 90643-8 |
child | Activity preferences - gardening or plants [Minimum Data Set] | 45827-3 |
child | Care management during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 57049-9 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, my life was better than most kids' lives [PROMIS] | 90646-1 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, my life was excellent [PROMIS] | 90657-8 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, my life was going very well [PROMIS] | 90654-5 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, my life was good [PROMIS] | 90655-2 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, my life was great [PROMIS] | 90656-0 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, my life was ideal [PROMIS] | 90618-0 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, my life was just right [PROMIS] | 90653-7 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, my life was outstanding [PROMIS] | 90658-6 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, my life was the best [PROMIS] | 90659-4 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, my life was worthwhile [PROMIS] | 90622-2 |
child | Care management - discharge from agency during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 88467-6 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, my life went well [PROMIS] | 90621-4 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, the conditions of my child's life were excellent [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 90607-3 |
child | Thinking about the past 4 weeks, the conditions of my life were excellent [PROMIS] | 90652-9 |
child | Thinking about your child's life, my child always has hope [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 92110-6 |
child | Thinking about your child's life, my child can do almost anything if he or she has enough faith in himself or herself [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 92106-4 |
child | Thinking about your child's life, my child can reach his or her goals in life [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 92097-5 |
child | Thinking about your child's life, my child expects amazing things to happen to him or her [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 92124-7 |
child | Thinking about your child's life, my child expects things to work out for the best [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 92123-9 |
child | Thinking about your child's life, my child expects to achieve his or her goals [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 92099-1 |
child | Thinking about your child's life, my child expects to achieve what he or she wants in life [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 92116-3 |
child | Deprecated Care management - start of care or resumption of care [CMS Assessment] | 88466-8 |
child | Thinking about your child's life, my child expects to be successful in the future [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 92120-5 |
child | Thinking about your child's life, my child expects to enjoy his or her future life [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 92119-7 |
child | Thinking about your child's life, my child expects to have a family in the future [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 92121-3 |
child | Thinking about your child's life, my child expects to have a job in the future [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 92122-1 |
child | Thinking about your child's life, my child expects to have a long life [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 92118-9 |
child | Thinking about your child's life, my child expects to have success in the future [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 92117-1 |
child | Thinking about your child's life, my child expects to succeed at what he or she tries to do [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 92114-8 |
child | Thinking about your child's life, my child has a clear purpose in life [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 92086-8 |
child | Thinking about your child's life, my child has a reason for living [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 92083-5 |
child | Thinking about your child's life, my child has goals for himself or herself [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 92105-6 |
child | Care provided # | 57125-7 |
child | Thinking about your child's life, my child has hope [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 92112-2 |
child | Thinking about your child's life, my child has things he or she needs to do in life [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 92102-3 |
child | Thinking about your child's life, my child has things he or she wants to accomplish in life [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 92101-5 |
child | Thinking about your child's life, my child has things he or she wants to do in life [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 92103-1 |
child | Thinking about your child's life, my child is full of hope [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 92111-4 |
child | Thinking about your child's life, my child is hopeful about his or her future [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 92108-0 |
child | Thinking about your child's life, my child is hopeful about his or her plans for the future [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 92109-8 |
child | Thinking about your child's life, my child is positive about his or her future [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 92107-2 |
child | Thinking about your child's life, my child is satisfied with his or her purpose in life [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 92082-7 |
child | Thinking about your child's life, my child knows what makes his or her life meaningful [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 92085-0 |
child | Care provided is consistent with established plan of care | 99982-1 |
child | Thinking about your child's life, my child knows where he or she is going in life [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 92098-3 |
child | Thinking about your child's life, my child looks forward to what will happen in the future [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 92115-5 |
child | Thinking about your child's life, my child makes plans for his or her future [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 92104-9 |
child | Thinking about your child's life, my child thinks his or her life has meaning [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 92091-8 |
child | Thinking about your child's life, my child thinks his or her life has purpose [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 92088-4 |
child | Thinking about your child's life, my child thinks his or her life is filled with meaning [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 92090-0 |
child | Thinking about your child's life, my child thinks his or her life is filled with purpose [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 92087-6 |
child | Thinking about your child's life, my child thinks his or her life is important [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 92094-2 |
child | Thinking about your child's life, my child tries to find meaning in life [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 92092-6 |
child | Thinking about your child's life, my child tries to find purpose in life [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 92089-2 |
child | Care setting Facility [NHCS] | 78022-1 |
child | Thinking about your child's life, my child wants to do what is important [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 92093-4 |
child | Thinking about your child's life, my child wants to make the most out of his or her life [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 92096-7 |
child | Thinking about your child's life, my child's life is filled with important things [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 92095-9 |
child | Thinking about your child's life, my child's life is filled with things that interest him or her [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 92084-3 |
child | Thinking about your child's life, people will remember my child when he or she dies [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 92081-9 |
child | Thinking about your child's life, the things my child has done in the past will help him or her in the future [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 92100-7 |
child | Thinking about your child's life, when bad things happen, my child expects them to get better [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] | 92113-0 |
child | Thinking about your friends and family: I do things with others | 96944-4 |
child | Thinking about your friends and family: I have people to talk to | 96941-0 |
child | Thinking about your friends and family: I have people who will help me | 96943-6 |
child | Caregiver Patient Activation Measure - 10 [PAM] Caregiver | 87704-3 |
child | Thinking about your friends and family: I have someone I can confide in | 96942-8 |
child | Thinking and fatigue [FACIT] | 71118-4 |
child | Thirsty [HIV-SSC] | 28396-0 |
child | Thought about adverse event unintentionally | 100238-5 |
child | Thought process alteration [CCC] | 28229-3 |
child | Thoughts on antibiotics [Reported] | 81333-7 |
child | Thoughts on artificial nutrition and hydration [Reported] | 77352-3 |
child | Thoughts on cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) [Reported] | 75779-9 |
child | Thoughts on hastening death [Reported] | 81353-5 |
child | Thoughts on intubation [Reported] | 81330-3 |
child | Caregiver Patient Activation Measure - 13 [PAM] Caregiver | 87703-5 |
child | Thoughts on IV fluid and support [Reported] | 81332-9 |
child | Thoughts on life-sustaining procedures if pregnant [Reported] | 81349-3 |
child | Thoughts on organ and tissue donations [Reported] | 75781-5 |
child | Thoughts on pain management [Reported] | 81350-1 |
child | Thoughts on resuscitation [Reported] | 81329-5 |
child | Thoughts on tube feeding [Reported] | 81331-1 |
child | Thoughts regarding autopsy [Reported] | 75782-3 |
child | Thoughts that you would be better off dead, or of hurting yourself in some way in last 2 weeks [Reported.PHQ] | 44260-8 |
child | Thoughts that you would be better off dead, or of hurting yourself in some way in last 2 weeks.frequency [Reported PHQ-9 CMS] | 54653-1 |
child | Thoughts that you would be better off dead, or of hurting yourself in some way in last 2 weeks.presence [Reported PHQ-9 CMS] | 54652-3 |
child | Caregiver role strain Caregiver [CCC] | 42821-9 |
child | Threaten you with physical harm [HITS] | 95616-9 |
child | Three level triage system [NAMCS] | 75614-8 |
child | Through day 15, provide an estimate of the number of days when at least 1 therapy service can be expected to have been delivered [Minimum Data Set] | 45889-3 |
child | Through day 15, provide an estimate of the number of therapy minutes (across the therapies) that can be expected to be delivered [Minimum Data Set] | 45890-1 |
child | Throughout the course of my day, I feel a sense of thankfulness for my life in the past 7 days [FACIT] | 71042-6 |
child | Throughout the course of my day, I feel a sense of thankfulness for what others bring to my life in the past 7 days [FACIT] | 71043-4 |
child | Thyroid disorder in last 7 days [MDSv3] | 54799-2 |
child | Time awake Set | 46053-5 |
child | Time awake - none of above [Minimum Data Set] | 45811-7 |
child | Deprecated Time between hemodialysis sessons [ESRD] | 71340-4 |
child | Caregiving priorities for the next 6 months during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 94931-3 |
child | Time load level [NMMDS] | 77227-7 |
child | Time required to gather essential resources for a patient encounter [NMMDS] | 77557-7 |
child | Time required to gather essential resources for all patient encounters in a Report Period [NMMDS] | 77558-5 |
child | Time spent per day getting information about COVID-19 and/or its impact | 97077-2 |
child | Time spent sitting panel [IPAQ] | 88409-8 |
child | Time to access a patient [NMMDS] | 77549-4 |
child | Time to access all patients in a Report Period [NMMDS] | 77550-2 |
child | Time to complete survey | 99423-6 |
child | Time walked without sitting down during this episode [Minimum Data Set] | 45892-7 |
child | Timing of harm assessment [AHRQ] | 74558-8 |
child | Activity preferences - helping others [Minimum Data Set] | 45829-9 |
child | Caretaking/parenting.behavior Community [OMAHA] | 46789-4 |
child | Timing of recent pregnancy in relation to death | 69442-2 |
child | TIMP cover | 60688-9 |
child | Tissue perfusion alteration [CCC] | 28230-1 |
child | Tissue perfusion is maintained at or improved from baseline levels | 99986-2 |
child | Tissue type during assessment period [CMS Assessment] Pressure injury.Largest at most advanced stage | 55073-1 |
child | Tissue type during assessment period [CMS Assessment] Pressure injury.most advanced stage | 86903-2 |
child | Title of person collecting or coordinating collection of assessment information Provider | 85650-0 |
child | To what degree did you feel tired even when you hadn't done anything in past 7 days [PROMIS] | 61847-0 |
child | To what degree did you have to force yourself to get up and do things because of your fatigue in past 7 days [PROMIS] | 61834-8 |
child | To what degree did you have to limit your social activities because of your fatigue in past 7 days [PROMIS] | 61824-9 |
child | Caretaking/parenting.behavior Family [OMAHA] | 28440-6 |
child | To what degree did you have to push yourself to get things done because of your fatigue in past 7 days [PROMIS] | 61796-9 |
child | To what degree did you have trouble finishing things because of your fatigue in past 7 days [PROMIS] | 61838-9 |
child | To what degree did you have trouble starting things because of your fatigue in past 7 days [PROMIS] | 61819-9 |
child | To what degree did your fatigue interfere with your ability to engage in recreational activities in past 7 days [PROMIS] | 61833-0 |
child | To what degree did your fatigue interfere with your physical functioning in past 7 days [PROMIS] | 61836-3 |
child | To what degree did your fatigue interfere with your social activities in past 7 days [PROMIS] | 61835-5 |
child | To what degree did your fatigue make it difficult to make decisions in past 7 days [PROMIS] | 61828-0 |
child | To what degree did your fatigue make it difficult to organize your thoughts when doing things at home in past 7 days [PROMIS] | 61825-6 |
child | To what degree did your fatigue make it difficult to organize your thoughts when doing things at work (include work at home) in past 7 days [PROMIS] | 61831-4 |
child | To what degree did your fatigue make it difficult to start anything new in past 7 days [PROMIS] | 61826-4 |
child | Caretaking/parenting.behavior [OMAHA] | 28251-7 |
child | To what degree did your fatigue make you feel less alert in past 7 days [PROMIS] | 61839-7 |
child | To what degree did your fatigue make you feel slowed down in your thinking in past 7 days [PROMIS] | 61797-7 |
child | To what degree did your fatigue make you more forgetful in past 7 days [PROMIS] | 61832-2 |
child | To what extent are you able to carry out your everyday physical activities such as walking, climbing stairs, carrying groceries, or moving a chair [PROMIS] | 61582-3 |
child | To what extent did the following common sources contributed to your overall stress in the lastweek [SAMHSA] | 68522-2 |
child | To what extent do you agree or disagree with cultural factors contributing to the phenomenon of complexity [NMMDS] | 75332-7 |
child | To what extent do you agree or disagree with physical factors contributing to the phenomenon of complexity [NMMDS] | 75336-8 |
child | To what extent do you agree or disagree with psychosocial factors contributing to the phenomenon of complexity [NMMDS] | 75334-3 |
child | Tobacco abuse [CCC] | 42829-2 |
child | Tobacco use during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 54845-3 |
child | Caretaking/parenting.knowledge Community [OMAHA] | 46790-2 |
child | Tobacco, Alcohol, Prescription medications, and other Substance use assessment [TAPS] | 96845-3 |
child | Tobacco, Alcohol, Prescription medications, and other Substance use screen [TAPS] | 96841-2 |
child | Toilet hygiene during 2 day assessment period [CARE] | 52645-9 |
child | Toilet transfer - functional ability during 3 day assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 83208-9 |
child | Toilet transfer - functional goal during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 89390-9 |
child | Toilet transfer - functional goal during 3 day assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 83207-1 |
child | Toilet transfer - most dependent performance during the past month [CMS Assessment] | 94945-3 |
child | Toilet transfer - usual functional ability during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 95006-3 |
child | Toilet transfer during 2 day assessment period [CARE] | 52651-7 |
child | Deprecated Toilet transfer in last 7D MDSv3 | 54739-8 |
child | Caretaking/parenting.knowledge Family [OMAHA] | 28441-4 |
child | Toilet transferring - functional ability during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 57244-6 |
child | Toilet use - self-performance during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 45604-6 |
child | Toilet use - support provided during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 45605-3 |
child | Toileting [OASIS] | 46481-8 |
child | Toileting [QAM] | 28408-3 |
child | Toileting deficit [CCC] | 28231-9 |
child | Toileting hygiene - functional ability during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 57245-3 |
child | Toileting hygiene - functional ability during 3 day assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 83228-7 |
child | Toileting hygiene - functional goal during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 89389-1 |
child | Toileting hygiene - functional goal during 3 day assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 83227-9 |
child | Caretaking/parenting.knowledge [OMAHA] | 28252-5 |
child | Toileting hygiene - most dependent performance during the past month [CMS Assessment] | 95043-6 |
child | Toileting hygiene - usual functional ability during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 95017-0 |
child | Deprecated Toileting in last 7D MDSv3 | 54740-6 |
child | Told not to have LASIK by an eye care professional | 99261-0 |
child | Tolerance, worried, eye- opener, amnesia, cutdown screening test [TWEAK] | 71937-7 |
child | Took more than twice the recommended dose of laxatives often in last 3 months in order to avoid gaining weight [Reported.PHQ] | 69694-8 |
child | Total change score - confidence [OPTIMAL] | 69652-6 |
child | Total change score - difficulty [OPTIMAL] | 69631-0 |
child | Total combined household income range in last year | 77244-2 |
child | Total confidence score - baseline [OPTIMAL] | 69653-4 |
child | Caretaking/parenting.status Community [OMAHA] | 46791-0 |
child | Total confidence score - follow-up [OPTIMAL] | 69654-2 |
child | Total dialysis patients at beginning of reporting period Population # | 64327-0 |
child | Total dialysis patients receiving services at end of reporting period Population # | 64360-1 |
child | Total dialysis stations Facility # [ESRD] | 71748-8 |
child | Total difficulty score - baseline [OPTIMAL] | 69632-8 |
child | Total difficulty score - follow-up [OPTIMAL] | 69633-6 |
child | Total elicited items score [TIMP] | 60734-1 |
child | Total home dialysis patients at end of reporting period Population # | 64359-3 |
child | Total incenter dialysis patients at end of reporting period Population # | 64354-4 |
child | Total interval score [HOOSJR] | 82323-7 |
child | Caretaking/parenting.status Family [OMAHA] | 28442-2 |
child | Total interval score [KOOSJR] | 82332-8 |
child | Total interval score change [HOOSJR] | 86335-7 |
child | Total interval score change [KOOSJR] | 86336-5 |
child | Total kidney transplant center patients who received at least one kidney transplant Population # | 64384-1 |
child | Total minutes of occupational therapy in the last 7 days [Minimum Data Set] | 45763-0 |
child | Total minutes of physical therapy in the last 7 days [Minimum Data Set] | 45765-5 |
child | Total minutes of psychological therapy by any licensed mental health professional in the last 7 days [CMS Assessment] | 45852-1 |
child | Total minutes of recreational and music therapy in last 7 days [CMS Assessment] | 55035-0 |
child | Total minutes of respiratory therapy in the last 7 days [CMS Assessment] | 45767-1 |
child | Total minutes of speech language pathology and audiology services in the last 7 days [Minimum Data Set] | 45761-4 |
child | Caretaking/parenting.status [OMAHA] | 28253-3 |
child | Total number of staff completing the environmental conditions survey [NMMDS] | 75331-9 |
child | Total number of staff completing the job satisfaction survey [NMMDS] | 74171-0 |
child | Total observed item score [TIMP] | 60703-6 |
child | Total patient population # | 52839-8 |
child | Total patients age 18-54 years dialysing at facility at end of reporting period Population # | 64368-4 |
child | Total physical activity [IPAQ] | 77594-0 |
child | Total physical activity score [IPAQ] | 77595-7 |
child | Total physical transportation domain [IPAQ] | 88425-4 |
child | Total physical activity.domestic and garden domain [IPAQ] | 88429-6 |
child | Total physical activity.leisure-time domain [IPAQ] | 88433-8 |
child | Caring for my ostomy appliance is difficult in the past 7 days [FACIT] | 70353-8 |
child | Total physical domain [IPAQ] | 88422-1 |
child | Total population of age 10-14 years Population | 52845-5 |
child | Total population of age 1-4 years Population | 52843-0 |
child | Total population of age 15-19 years Population | 52846-3 |
child | Total population of age 20-24 years Population | 52847-1 |
child | Total population of age 25-29 years Population | 52848-9 |
child | Total population of age 29 days to 1 year Population | 52842-2 |
child | Total population of age 30-34 years Population | 52849-7 |
child | Total population of age 35-39 years Population | 52850-5 |
child | Total population of age 40-44 years Population | 52851-3 |
child | Activity preferences - music [Minimum Data Set] | 45821-6 |
child | Carries out detailed instructions [RFC] | 46617-7 |
child | Total population of age 45-49 years Population | 52852-1 |
child | Total population of age 50-54 years Population | 52853-9 |
child | Total population of age 55-59 years Population | 52854-7 |
child | Total population of age 5-9 years Population | 52844-8 |
child | Total population of age 60-64 years Population | 52855-4 |
child | Total population of age 65-69 years Population | 52856-2 |
child | Total population of age 70-74 years Population | 52857-0 |
child | Total population of age 75-79 years Population | 52858-8 |
child | Total population of age 80-84 years Population | 52859-6 |
child | Total population of age birth to 28 days Population | 52841-4 |
child | Carries out very short and simple instructions [RFC] | 46616-9 |
child | Total population of age GE 85 years Population | 52860-4 |
child | Total population of fetal age Population | 52840-6 |
child | Total recreation therapy in last 7 days [Minimum Data Set] | 45887-7 |
child | Total score Caregiver [PAM] | 88176-3 |
child | Total score [Skindex-29] | 96000-5 |
child | Total score Parent [PAM] | 88174-8 |
child | Total score [DAST] | 82665-1 |
child | Total score [DAST-10] | 82667-7 |
child | Total score [POEM] | 89870-0 |
child | Total score [Skindex-16] | 95979-1 |
child | Carries something in both hands - most dependent performance during the past month [CMS Assessment] | 94956-0 |
child | Total score [WHOQOL_BREF] | 98944-2 |
child | Total score [ACT] | 82668-5 |
child | Total score [ACE.BRFSS] | 82153-8 |
child | Total score [AD8] | 71722-3 |
child | Total score [ALSFRS-R] | 82953-1 |
child | Total score [AUDIT] | 75624-7 |
child | Total score [AUDIT-C] | 75626-2 |
child | Total score [BADS] | 95876-9 |
child | Total score [BOMC] | 72173-8 |
child | Total score [BRIEF] | 95871-0 |
child | Carries something in both hands - usual functional ability during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 94995-8 |
child | Total Score BRS | 100367-2 |
child | Total score [BSDS] | 84772-3 |
child | Total score [BSL-23] | 72689-3 |
child | Total score [BSL-SUPP] | 72636-4 |
child | Total score [CAS] | 97075-6 |
child | Total score [CBS-8] | 99578-7 |
child | Total score [CDAI] | 75847-4 |
child | Total score [Child-Pugh] | 98152-2 |
child | Total score [CNPI] | 99304-8 |
child | Total score [COOP] | 75810-2 |
child | Carrying - confidence [OPTIMAL] | 69540-3 |
child | Total score [COOP.WONCA] | 75698-1 |
child | Total score [CRQ-SAI] | 89907-0 |
child | Total score [CRQ-SAS] | 89904-7 |
child | Total score [CUDOS] | 90221-3 |
child | Total score [EPDS] | 99046-5 |
child | Total score [FFMQ] | 100279-9 |
child | Total score [HAQ-DI] | 75874-8 |
child | Total score [HAQII] | 75875-5 |
child | Total score [HARK] | 76504-0 |
child | Total score [Harris Hip Score] | 100291-4 |
child | Carrying - confidence - score change [OPTIMAL] | 69586-6 |
child | Total score [HITS] | 95614-4 |
child | Total score [HKOI] | 71483-2 |
child | Total score [HOOS-PS] | 98946-7 |
child | Total score [IQCODE] | 71493-1 |
child | Total score [KOOS-PS] | 98916-0 |
child | Total score [LKSS] | 99592-8 |
child | Total score [M3] | 71777-7 |
child | Total score [Mainz Pain Staging System] | 99946-6 |
child | Total score [MDQ] | 84773-1 |
child | Total score [Mini-Cog] | 72233-0 |
child | Carrying - difficulty [OPTIMAL] | 69517-1 |
child | Total score [MLHFQ] | 71938-5 |
child | Total score [MMSE] | 72106-8 |
child | Total score [MoCA] | 72172-0 |
child | Total score [MyMemCheck] | 96699-4 |
child | Total score [NDI] | 82237-9 |
child | Total score [NIH Stroke Scale] | 72089-6 |
child | Total score [NuPDQ] | 93087-5 |
child | Total score [PAM] | 88175-5 |
child | Total score [PAS] | 75840-9 |
child | Total score [PASII] | 75841-7 |
child | Carrying - difficulty - score change [OPTIMAL] | 69607-0 |
child | Total score [PsoSat] | 90027-4 |
child | Total score [Quality of Working Life Questionnaire for Cancer Survivors] | 93112-1 |
child | Total score [RMDQ] | 99575-3 |
child | Total score [Rose Dyspnea Scale] | 89436-0 |
child | Total score [RUDAS] | 98094-6 |
child | Total score [SDAI] | 75845-8 |
child | Total score [SLUMS] | 71492-3 |
child | Total score [STarT Back] | 91351-7 |
child | Total score [TIMP] | 60735-8 |
child | Total Score CES-D | 100787-1 |
child | Case class status [CDC.PHIN] | 77990-0 |
child | Total score [Impact of Event Scale-Revised] | 100255-9 |
child | Total score - Ages and Stages Questionnaires 10 months [ASQ] | 72127-4 |
child | Total score - Ages and Stages Questionnaires 12 months [ASQ] | 72126-6 |
child | Total score - Ages and Stages Questionnaires 14 months [ASQ] | 72125-8 |
child | Total score - Ages and Stages Questionnaires 16 months [ASQ] | 72124-1 |
child | Total score - Ages and Stages Questionnaires 18 months [ASQ] | 72123-3 |
child | Total score - Ages and Stages Questionnaires 2 months [ASQ] | 72132-4 |
child | Total score - Ages and Stages Questionnaires 20 months [ASQ] | 72122-5 |
child | Total score - Ages and Stages Questionnaires 22 months [ASQ] | 72121-7 |
child | Total score - Ages and Stages Questionnaires 24 months [ASQ] | 72120-9 |
child | Case investigation start date | 77979-3 |
child | Total score - Ages and Stages Questionnaires 27 months [ASQ] | 72119-1 |
child | Total score - Ages and Stages Questionnaires 30 months [ASQ] | 72118-3 |
child | Total score - Ages and Stages Questionnaires 33 months [ASQ] | 72117-5 |
child | Total score - Ages and Stages Questionnaires 36 months [ASQ] | 72116-7 |
child | Total score - Ages and Stages Questionnaires 4 months [ASQ] | 72131-6 |
child | Total score - Ages and Stages Questionnaires 6 months [ASQ] | 72130-8 |
child | Total score - Ages and Stages Questionnaires 8 months [ASQ] | 72129-0 |
child | Total score - Ages and Stages Questionnaires 9 months [ASQ] | 72128-2 |
child | Total score - Informant interview [GPCOG] | 79124-4 |
child | Total score - Patient examination [GPCOG] | 79114-5 |
child | Activity preferences - none of above [Minimum Data Set] | 45830-7 |
child | Case is associated with a known outbreak | 77980-1 |
child | Total symptom score [KCCQ] | 72191-0 |
child | Total urinary incontinence [CCC] | 28232-7 |
child | Tourette's syndrome in last 7 days [MDSv3] | 58114-0 |
child | Tracheostomy care [Minimum Data Set] | 45850-5 |
child | Tracheostomy care in last 14 days - while a resident [MDSv3] | 55001-2 |
child | Tracheostomy care in last 14 days - while not a resident [MDSv3] | 55000-4 |
child | Training in skills required to return to the community [Minimum Data Set] | 45758-0 |
child | Transaction code Transaction [MDSv3] | 55082-2 |
child | Transcription error [MDSv3] | 58201-5 |
child | Transfer [OASIS-C] | 57252-9 |
child | Case notification comment | 77999-1 |
child | Transfer - self-performance during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 45590-7 |
child | Transfer - support provided during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 45591-5 |
child | Transfer aid [Minimum Data Set] | 45545-1 |
child | Transfer in last 7 days [MDSv3] | 54738-0 |
child | Transferring [OASIS] | 46482-6 |
child | Transferring - functional ability during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 57246-1 |
child | Transfusions [Minimum Data Set] | 45851-3 |
child | Transfusions in last 14 days - while a resident [MDSv3] | 55009-5 |
child | Transfusions in last 14 days - while not a resident [MDSv3] | 55008-7 |
child | Transient ischemic attack [Minimum Data Set] | 45663-2 |
child | Case notification panel [CDC.PHIN] | 78000-7 |
child | Transplant facility name | 68446-4 |
child | Transplant facility NPI | 67880-5 |
child | Transplant information - end stage renal disease form 2728 | 67883-9 |
child | Transplant options given | 68360-7 |
child | Transplant preparation facility name | 68490-2 |
child | Transplant preparation facility NPI | 68456-3 |
child | Transplant referral [ESRD] | 71518-5 |
child | Transportation | 46486-7 |
child | Transportation physical activity panel [IPAQ] | 88388-4 |
child | Transportation role of decedent | 69451-3 |
child | Case outbreak name | 77981-9 |
child | Trauma risk [CCC] | 28233-5 |
child | Trauma symptoms score [CUBS] | 89561-5 |
child | Trauma-related wound # | 52587-3 |
child | Traumatic brain injury [Minimum Data Set] | 45664-0 |
child | Traumatic brain injury in last 7 days [MDSv3] | 54815-6 |
child | Travels in unfamiliar places or use public transportation [RFC] | 46631-8 |
child | Treated for syphillis [RHEA] | 72184-5 |
child | Treated for syphillis Significant other [RHEA] | 72183-7 |
child | Treated for urinary tract infection in past 14 days [CMS Assessment] | 46552-6 |
child | Treating or examining source conclusions about the claimant's limitations or restrictions which are significantly different from your file [RFC] | 46694-6 |
child | Cataracts [Minimum Data Set] | 45671-5 |
child | Treating or examining source statement regarding claimant's physical capacities in file [RFC] | 46693-8 |
child | Treatment or examining source statements Set [RFC] | 46692-0 |
child | Treatment preferences under certain health conditions [Reported] | 101337-4 |
child | Treatment satisfaction [FACIT] | 70691-1 |
child | Treatment sessions cancelled by doctor or patient in the last 12 months | 98178-7 |
child | Treatment sessions cancelled by doctor or patient since the beginning of the pandemic | 98160-5 |
child | Treatment sessions postponed by doctor or patient in the last 12 months | 98177-9 |
child | Treatment sessions postponed by doctor or patient since the beginning of the pandemic | 98159-7 |
child | Treatments Set | 46062-6 |
child | Treponemal test was reactive [CDC.CS] | 75190-9 |
child | Cataracts/glaucoma or macular degeneration in last 7 days [MDSv3] | 54823-0 |
child | Trial of toileting program has been attempted on admission or reentry or since urinary incontinence was noted in this facility during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 54767-9 |
child | Tried not to talk about adverse event | 100254-2 |
child | Tried to not think of adverse event | 100243-5 |
child | Tried to remove adverse event from memory | 100249-2 |
child | Triggered care area included in care plan during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 87213-5 |
child | Mother's Trimester of first prenatal visit [CDC.CS] | 75163-6 |
child | Trouble asking others for help before illness | 98557-2 |
child | Trouble asking others for help since illness | 98556-4 |
child | Trouble concentrating | 100250-0 |
child | Trouble concentrating on things like school work, reading, or watching TV in last 2 weeks [Reported.PHQ] | 104141-7 |
child | Catchment area panel [NMMDS] Population | 52861-2 |
child | Trouble concentrating on things, such as reading a book or watching TV in last 4 weeks [Reported.PHQ] | 69688-0 |
child | Trouble concentrating on things, such as reading the newspaper or watching television in last 2 weeks [Reported.PHQ] | 44252-5 |
child | Trouble concentrating on things, such as reading the newspaper or watching television in last 2 weeks.frequency [Observed PHQ-9 CMS] | 54671-3 |
child | Trouble concentrating on things, such as reading the newspaper or watching television in last 2 weeks.frequency [Reported PHQ-9 CMS] | 54649-9 |
child | Trouble concentrating on things, such as reading the newspaper or watching television in last 2 weeks.presence [Observed PHQ-9 CMS] | 54670-5 |
child | Trouble concentrating on things, such as reading the newspaper or watching television in last 2 weeks.presence [Reported PHQ-9 CMS] | 54648-1 |
child | Trouble experiencing positive feelings (for example, being unable to feel happiness or have loving feelings for people close to you) [PCL-5] | 101713-6 |
child | Trouble falling asleep | 100247-6 |
child | Trouble falling asleep or staying asleep in last 4 weeks [Reported.PHQ] | 69687-2 |
child | Trouble falling or staying asleep [PCL-5] | 101718-5 |
child | Categories [RFC] | 46635-9 |
child | Trouble falling or staying asleep due to thinking about the coronavirus in past 2 weeks | 96836-2 |
child | Trouble falling or staying asleep in the last month [PCL-C] | 70233-2 |
child | Trouble falling or staying asleep, or sleeping too much in last 2 weeks [Reported.PHQ] | 44259-0 |
child | Trouble falling or staying asleep, or sleeping too much in last 2 weeks.frequency [Observed PHQ-9 CMS] | 54663-0 |
child | Trouble falling or staying asleep, or sleeping too much in last 2 weeks.frequency [Reported PHQ-9 CMS] | 54641-6 |
child | Trouble falling or staying asleep, or sleeping too much in last 2 weeks.presence [Observed PHQ-9 CMS] | 54662-2 |
child | Trouble falling or staying asleep, or sleeping too much in last 2 weeks.presence [Reported PHQ-9 CMS] | 54640-8 |
child | Trouble feeling peace of mind before illness | 98595-2 |
child | Trouble feeling peace of mind since illness | 98594-5 |
child | Trouble focusing | 100771-5 |
child | Categories associated with patient safety event or unsafe condition [AHRQ] | 74552-1 |
child | Trouble paying heating bill AndOr electricity bill Caregiver | 96436-1 |
child | Trouble relating to others before illness | 98573-9 |
child | Trouble relating to others since illness | 98572-1 |
child | Trouble relaxing in last 2 weeks [Reported.PHQ] | 69734-2 |
child | Trouble remembering important parts of a stressful experience from the past in the last month [PCL-C] | 70228-2 |
child | Trouble remembering important parts of the stressful experience [PCL-5] | 101710-2 |
child | Trouble sleeping in past 4 weeks [Reported.PHQ] | 69732-6 |
child | Trouble staying asleep | 100234-4 |
child | Trunk restraint [Minimum Data Set] | 45872-9 |
child | Trust [FACIT] | 71098-8 |
child | Cause of death Family member [USSG-FHT] | 54112-8 |
child | MDS v3.0 - RAI v1.18.11 - Tub/shower transfer - functional goal [CMS Assessment] | 101325-9 |
child | Tube feeding during 2 day assessment period [CARE] | 52643-4 |
child | Tube feeding limits my activities with my friends in the past 7 days [FACIT] | 70592-1 |
child | Tube feeding limits what I can do inside the house - for example housework, watching TV or reading - in the past 7 days [FACIT] | 70590-5 |
child | Tube feeding limits what I can do outside of the house - for example shopping, driving or yard work - in the past 7 days [FACIT] | 70591-3 |
child | Tuberculosis [Minimum Data Set] | 45688-9 |
child | Tuberculosis in last 7 days [MDSv3] | 54792-7 |
child | Turning/repositioning provided in last 7 days [MDSv3] | 54974-1 |
child | Turning around and facing the opposite direction while walking during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 54751-3 |
child | Turning in bed and adjusting bed clothes [ALSFRS-R] | 82947-3 |
child | Activity preferences - reading or writing [Minimum Data Set] | 45822-4 |
child | Cause of death [US Standard Certificate of Death] | 69453-9 |
child | Turning or repositioning program [Minimum Data Set] | 45793-7 |
child | Turning surfaces not intact [CARE] | 52592-3 |
child | Twin Family member | 54121-9 |
child | Twin | 54132-6 |
child | Type intravenous iron prescribed [ESRD] | 72065-6 |
child | Type non-oral vitamin D analog prescribed [ESRD] | 72032-6 |
child | Type of activities in which resident is currently involved [Minimum Data Set] | 45831-5 |
child | Type of assessment during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 86524-6 |
child | Type of assessment for state payment during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 90524-0 |
child | Type of assessment on existing record to be modified or inactivated during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 87227-5 |
child | Cause of death entity axis code [Automated] | 80356-9 |
child | Type of client [NMMDS] | 57121-6 |
child | Episode of care Type | 78030-4 |
child | Type of encounter [MSCDM] | 75525-6 |
child | Type of encounter [NMMDS] | 57122-4 |
child | Type of internet available to children in household to support learning | 99801-3 |
child | Type of medical attention accessed | 99345-1 |
child | Type of nursing provider [NMMDS] | 57120-8 |
child | Type of nursing unit or service [NDNQI] | 52837-2 |
child | Type of nutritional product [AHRQ] | 74073-8 |
child | Type of ulcer Set | 46048-5 |
child | Cause of death record axis code [Automated] | 80357-7 |
child | Type of primary caregiver assistance | 46470-1 |
child | Type of record during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 58198-3 |
child | Type oral iron prescribed [ESRD] | 72063-1 |
child | Type oral vitamin D analog prescribed [ESRD] | 72030-0 |
child | Types and sources of assistance during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 57306-3 |
child | Types and sources of assistance - discarge from agency during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 88468-4 |
child | Types and sources of assistance - start of care or resumption of care during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 88465-0 |
child | Types of caregiver | 52692-1 |
child | U.S. Adult Food Security Survey [U.S. FSS] | 95353-9 |
child | U.S. Adult Food Security Survey Score [U.S. FSS] | 95378-6 |
child | Other cause of death | 68346-6 |
child | U.S. Child Food Security Survey [U.S. FSS - Child] | 96576-4 |
child | U.S. Child Food Security Survey Score [U.S. FSS - Child] | 96578-0 |
child | U.S. Household Food Security Survey [U.S. FSS] | 95246-5 |
child | U.S. Household Food Security Survey - Six-Item Short Form [U.S. FSS] | 95361-2 |
child | U.S. Household Food Security Survey - Six-Item Short Form Score [U.S. FSS] | 95379-4 |
child | U.S. Household Food Security Survey Score [U.S. FSS] | 95263-0 |
child | U.S. standard certificate of death - 2003 revision | 69409-1 |
child | U.S. standard certificate of live birth - 2003 revision | 68998-4 |
child | U.S. standard report of fetal death - 2003 revision | 69045-3 |
child | Ulcerative colitis/Crohn's disease/inflammatory bowel disease in last 7 days [MDSv3] | 54785-1 |
child | Primary cause of death | 68343-3 |
child | Ulcers Set | 46047-7 |
child | Deprecated Ulcers, wounds and skin problems [CMS Assessment] | 86747-3 |
child | MDS v3.0 - RAI v1.18.11 - Ulcers, wounds and skin problems during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 101331-7 |
child | Ulcers, wounds and skin problems in the last 7 days [CMS Assessment] | 88696-0 |
child | Ulcers.stage 1 # [Minimum Data Set] | 45776-2 |
child | Ulcers.stage 2 # [Minimum Data Set] | 45777-0 |
child | Ulcers.stage 3 # [Minimum Data Set] | 45778-8 |
child | Ulcers.stage 4 # [Minimum Data Set] | 45779-6 |
child | Unable to assess memory/recall ability during 2 day assessment period .specified reason [CARE] | 52597-2 |
child | Unable to examine oral or dental status [MDSv3] | 58119-9 |
child | Secondary cause of death | 68345-8 |
child | Underlying resolved condition ICD code during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 85914-0 |
child | Underlying resolved condition.multiple coding ICD code during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 86254-0 |
child | Undermining or tunneling present Pressure injury.stage 3 or 4 [CARE] | 52730-9 |
child | Understand health and well-being and what they need to do to manage their health [PCAM] | 83337-6 |
child | Understand health and well-being and what they need to do to manage their health - visual analog rating [ePCAM] | 85466-1 |
child | Understand potential benefits of product of interest | 100956-2 |
child | Understand potential problems of product of interest | 100957-0 |
child | Understand what things you are able to do to keep your heart failure symptoms from getting worse [KCCQ] | 86487-6 |
child | Understanding and recognition in your organization [Quality of Working Life Questionnaire for Cancer Survivors] | 93116-2 |
child | Understanding of verbal content during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 57217-2 |
child | Cause of death.underlying [Automated] | 80358-5 |
child | Understanding verbal and non-verbal content during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 95740-7 |
child | Understanding verbal and non-verbal content during 3 day assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 87503-9 |
child | Understanding verbal content during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 54602-8 |
child | Understanding verbal content - excluding language barriers [CARE] | 52622-8 |
child | Understanding verbal content during 3 day assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 83249-3 |
child | Understands and remembers detailed instructions [RFC] | 46615-1 |
child | Understands and remembers very short and simple instructions [RFC] | 46614-4 |
child | Number of unfilled nursing staff job positions in a reporting period [NMMDS] | 77272-3 |
child | Vacancy rate [NMMDS] | 77277-2 |
child | Unfinished business [Reported] | 81366-7 |
child | Cause of death.underlying [Manual] | 80359-3 |
child | Unhappy even with help from my family or friends | 100769-9 |
child | Unhappy with residents other than roommate [Minimum Data Set] | 45578-2 |
child | Unhappy with roommate [Minimum Data Set] | 45577-4 |
child | Unhealed pressure injury at stage 2 or higher or designated as unstageable [OASIS-C] | 57307-1 |
child | Unhealed pressure injury at stage 2 or higher or designated as unstageable during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 85918-1 |
child | Unilateral neglect [CCC] | 28234-3 |
child | Unit certification or licensure designation during assessment period [CMS Assessment] Facility | 86526-1 |
child | Unknown customary routine - resident/family unable to provide information [Minimum Data Set] | 45452-0 |
child | Unmet Healthcare Needs panel | 104040-1 |
child | Unobserved pressure injury [OASIS] | 46540-1 |
child | Cause of renal failure.primary [Reported] | 67873-0 |
child | Unobserved stasis pressure injury [OASIS] | 46545-0 |
child | Unobserved surgical wound [OASIS] | 46549-2 |
child | Unpaid caregiver's ability and willingness to provide advocacy or facilitation of person's participation during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 94930-5 |
child | Unpaid caregiver's ability and willingness to provide instrumental activities of daily living assistance during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 94920-6 |
child | Unpaid caregiver's ability and willingness to provide management of equipment assistance during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 94926-3 |
child | Unpaid caregiver's ability and willingness to provide medical procedure/treatment assistance during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 94924-8 |
child | Unpaid caregiver's ability and willingness to provide medication administration assistance during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 94922-2 |
child | Unpaid caregiver's ability and willingness to provide mobility assistance during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 94918-0 |
child | Unpaid caregiver's ability and willingness to provide self-care assistance during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 94916-4 |
child | Unpaid caregiver's ability and willingness to provide supervision during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 94928-9 |
child | Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale panel [CES-D] | 100766-5 |
child | Unpleasant mood in morning [Minimum Data Set] | 45549-3 |
child | Unsettled releationships Set | 46004-8 |
child | Unstageable pressure injuries due to non-removable dressing not present or at a lesser stage on admission/reentry during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 83286-5 |
child | Unstageable pressure injury due to deep tissue injury not present or at a lesser stage on admission/reentry during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 83288-1 |
child | Unstageable pressure injury due to slough/eschar not present or at a lesser stage on admission/reenty during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 83287-3 |
child | Unsteady gait [Minimum Data Set] | 45707-7 |
child | Upper body dressing - functional ability during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 89388-3 |
child | Upper body dressing - functional ability during 3 day assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 83224-6 |
child | Upper body dressing - functional goal during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 89387-5 |
child | Upper body dressing - functional goal during 3 day assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 83223-8 |
child | Activity preferences - spiritual or religious activities [Minimum Data Set] | 45823-2 |
child | Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale-Revised [CESD-R] | 89207-5 |
child | Upper body dressing - most dependent performance during the past month [CMS Assessment] | 94937-0 |
child | Upper body dressing - usual functional ability during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 95014-7 |
child | Upper body dressing during 2 day assessment period [CARE] | 52646-7 |
child | Upset by small changes in health before illness | 98583-8 |
child | Upset by small changes in health since illness | 98582-0 |
child | Urea renal clearance/1.73 sq M--hemodialysis Urine and Serum or Plasma [ESRD] | 71339-6 |
child | Urge urinary incontinence [CCC] | 28237-6 |
child | Urinary continence in last 7 days [CMS Assessment] | 54770-3 |
child | Urinary elimination alteration [CCC] | 28238-4 |
child | Urinary Function Behavior Community [OMAHA] | 46903-1 |
child | Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale-Revised total score [CESD-R] | 89205-9 |
child | Urinary Function Behavior Family [OMAHA] | 46924-7 |
child | Urinary Function Behavior [OMAHA] | 46942-9 |
child | Urinary Function Knowledge Community [OMAHA] | 46904-9 |
child | Urinary Function Knowledge Family [OMAHA] | 46925-4 |
child | Urinary Function Knowledge [OMAHA] | 46943-7 |
child | Urinary Function Status Community [OMAHA] | 46905-6 |
child | Urinary Function Status Family [OMAHA] | 46926-2 |
child | Urinary Function Status [OMAHA] | 46944-5 |
child | Urinary incontinence and indwelling catherter trigger [Minimum Data Set] | 45902-4 |
child | Urinary incontinence and indwelling catheter - addressed in care plan [MDSv3] | 58166-0 |
child | Cerebral alteration [CCC] | 28151-9 |
child | Urinary incontinence and indwelling catheter - care area triggered [MDSv3] | 58165-2 |
child | Urinary incontinence or urinary catheter present during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 46553-4 |
child | Urinary retention [CCC] | 28239-2 |
child | Urinary toileting program during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 54530-1 |
child | Urinary tract infection in last 30 days [Minimum Data Set] | 45689-7 |
child | Deprecated Urinary tract infection in last 7D MDSv3 | 54793-5 |
child | US Surgeon General family health portrait [USSG-FHT] | 54127-6 |
child | Use of alcohol at least weekly [Minimum Data Set] | 45438-9 |
child | Use of tobacco products at least daily [Minimum Data Set] | 45434-8 |
child | Use public transportation during 2 day assessment period [CARE] | 52684-8 |
child | Cerebral palsy [Minimum Data Set] | 45654-1 |
child | Use time wisely [Living with HIV] | 28169-1 |
child | Used bowel toileting program during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 88695-2 |
child | Used or needed assistive devices in the past month [CMS Assessment] | 95042-8 |
child | User satisfaction panel [R-Outcomes] | 100921-6 |
child | User satisfaction score [R-Outcomes] | 100916-6 |
child | Uses American sign language or Braille [Minimum Data Set] | 45505-5 |
child | Uses cane, walker or crutch [Minimum Data Set] | 45536-0 |
child | Uses communication board [Minimum Data Set] | 45507-1 |
child | Uses other modes of expression [Minimum Data Set] | 45508-9 |
child | Uses signs/gestures/sounds [Minimum Data Set] | 45506-3 |
child | Cerebral palsy in last 7 days [MDSv3] | 54806-5 |
child | Uses speech [Minimum Data Set] | 45503-0 |
child | Uses written messages to express or clarify needs [Minimum Data Set] | 45504-8 |
child | Usual ability to swallow during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 95946-0 |
child | Usual ability to swallow during 3 day assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 83245-1 |
child | Usually attends church, temple, etc. [Minimum Data Set] | 45447-0 |
child | Usually concentrate well | 97906-2 |
child | Usually have enough energy | 97904-7 |
child | VA Per Diem [Minimum Data Set] | 45461-1 |
child | Vaccination exclusion | 72059-9 |
child | Vaccination exclusion - medical reason | 72029-2 |
child | Cerebrovascular accident [Minimum Data Set] | 45655-8 |
child | Vaccination exclusion - patient reason [ESRD] | 72085-4 |
child | Vaccination panel [ESRD] | 72061-5 |
child | Vascular access for first outpatient dialysis | 67888-8 |
child | Vascular access panel [ESRD] | 72055-7 |
child | Vascular infection source [ESRD] | 71461-8 |
child | Vascular ulcer (arterial or venous including diabetic ulcers not located on the foot) # [CARE] | 52589-9 |
child | Vendor company name Software | 55079-8 |
child | Vendor email address Software | 55093-9 |
child | Deprecated Venous or arterial ulcers in last 7D MDSv3 | 54962-6 |
child | Ventilator or respirator [Minimum Data Set] | 45752-3 |
child | Cerebrovascular accident/transient ischemic attack/stroke in last 7 days [MDSv3] | 54807-3 |
child | Ventilator or respirator in last 14 days - while a resident [MDSv3] | 55003-8 |
child | Ventilator or respirator in last 14 days - while not a resident [MDSv3] | 55002-0 |
child | Ventilator weaning status during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 93202-0 |
child | Ventilatory weaning impairment [CCC] | 42853-2 |
child | Verbal behavioral symptoms directed toward others during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 54683-8 |
child | Verbal behavioral symptoms directed towards others during 2 day assessment period [CARE] | 52599-8 |
child | Verbal complaints during movement | 99294-1 |
child | Verbal complaints while at rest | 99302-2 |
child | Verbal expressions of distress Set | 45998-2 |
child | Verbal impairment [CCC] | 28240-0 |
child | Certification received [NMMDS] | 75535-5 |
child | Version code Specifications | 55075-6 |
child | Veterans Rand health survey - 12 item (VR-12) | 71934-4 |
child | Veterans Rand health survey - 36 item (VR-36) | 71933-6 |
child | Vibrations [RFC] | 46687-0 |
child | Vigorous physical activity [IPAQ] | 77593-2 |
child | Vigorous physical activity.leisure-time domain [IPAQ] | 88431-2 |
child | Vigorous physical domain [IPAQ] | 88419-7 |
child | Vigorous physical activity.yard work [IPAQ] | 88426-2 |
child | Violence risk [CCC] | 28241-8 |
child | Viral hepatitis [Minimum Data Set] | 45690-5 |
child | Certified program Dialysis facility [ESRD] | 71522-7 |
child | Viral hepatitis in last 7 days [MDSv3] | 54794-3 |
child | Vision | 54543-4 |
child | Vision [Minimum Data Set] | 45407-4 |
child | Vision during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 57215-6 |
child | Vision patterns section | 45994-1 |
child | Vision.ability to see in adequate light during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 95745-6 |
child | Vision.ability to see in adequate light during 3 day assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 93310-1 |
child | Vision.ability to see in adequate light in last 7 days [CMS Assessment] | 54603-6 |
child | Vision Behavior Community [OMAHA] | 46906-4 |
child | Vision Behavior Family [OMAHA] | 28453-9 |
child | Chair/bed-to-chair transfer - functional goal during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 89414-7 |
child | Vision Behavior [OMAHA] | 28359-8 |
child | Vision Knowledge Community [OMAHA] | 46907-2 |
child | Vision Knowledge Family [OMAHA] | 28454-7 |
child | Vision Knowledge [OMAHA] | 28360-6 |
child | Vision Status Community [OMAHA] | 46908-0 |
child | Vision Status Family [OMAHA] | 28455-4 |
child | Vision Status [OMAHA] | 28361-4 |
child | Thinking about your current social habits, in the last 5 days: I have visited nursing homes or long-term care facilities (outside of work duties) | 96888-3 |
child | Visits you would like to rate [FACIT] | 71066-5 |
child | Visual [NIH Stroke Scale] | 70188-8 |
child | Activity preferences - talking or conversing [Minimum Data Set] | 45828-1 |
child | Chair/bed-to-chair transfer - most dependent performance during the past month [CMS Assessment] | 94944-6 |
child | Visual alteration [CCC] | 28242-6 |
child | Visual appliances [Minimum Data Set] | 45515-4 |
child | Visual function - addressed in care plan [MDSv3] | 58225-4 |
child | Visual function - care area triggered [MDSv3] | 58226-2 |
child | Visual function trigger [Minimum Data Set] | 45898-4 |
child | Visual limitations Set [RFC] | 46667-2 |
child | Visual limitations [RFC] | 46675-5 |
child | Visual limitations and dificulties Set | 45995-8 |
child | Visual-spatial and perceptual abilities panel [ECog] | 89288-5 |
child | Visual-spatial and perceptual abilities panel [ECog.Partner] | 89295-0 |
child | Chair/bed-to-chair transfer - usual functional ability during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 95007-1 |
child | Vital signs - acute [CARE] | 52481-9 |
child | Vital signs and oximetry - admission, home health, interim, discharge [CARE] | 72105-0 |
child | Vital signs with smoking status and pain scale [VSP] | 72513-5 |
child | Vital status [CDC.CS] | 75186-7 |
child | Vital status at discharge | 75527-2 |
child | Vitamin D panel [ESRD] | 72034-2 |
child | Vocal complaints of pain in last 5 days [MDSv3] | 54836-2 |
child | Volume of nursing delivery unit or service panel [NMMDS] | 57126-5 |
child | Voluntary movement Foot [Minimum Data Set] | 45533-7 |
child | Voluntary movement Hand [Minimum Data Set] | 45529-5 |
child | Chair alarm used during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 88311-6 |
child | Voluntary movement Lower extremity [Minimum Data Set] | 45531-1 |
child | Voluntary movement Neck [Minimum Data Set] | 45525-3 |
child | Voluntary movement Upper extremity [Minimum Data Set] | 45527-9 |
child | Volunteers [CDC Emergency Operations Centers] | 89780-1 |
child | Vomiting [Minimum Data Set] | 45708-5 |
child | Vomiting [HIV-SSC] | 28397-8 |
child | Vomiting [CCC] | 81224-8 |
child | VR-12 Bodily pain (BP) score - oblique method | 72014-4 |
child | VR-12 Bodily pain (BP) score - oblique method T-score | 72022-7 |
child | VR-12 General health (GH) score - oblique method | 72013-6 |
child | Chair prevents rising [Minimum Data Set] | 45874-5 |
child | VR-12 General health (GH) score - oblique method T-score | 72021-9 |
child | VR-12 Mental component summary (MCS) score - oblique method T-score | 72026-8 |
child | VR-12 Mental component summary (MCS) score - orthogonal method T-score | 72028-4 |
child | VR-12 Mental component summary (MCS) score change - oblique method | 79443-8 |
child | VR-12 Mental component summary (MCS) score change - orthogonal method | 79444-6 |
child | VR-12 Mental health (MH) score - oblique method | 72009-4 |
child | VR-12 Mental health (MH) score - oblique method T-score | 72017-7 |
child | VR-12 Physical component summary (PCS) score - oblique method T-score | 72025-0 |
child | VR-12 Physical component summary (PCS) score - orthogonal method T-score | 72027-6 |
child | VR-12 Physical component summary (PCS) score change - oblique method | 79441-2 |
child | Chair-bed to chair transfer during 2 day assessment period [CARE] | 52650-9 |
child | VR-12 Physical component summary (PCS) score change - orthogonal method | 79442-0 |
child | VR-12 Physical functioning (PF) score - oblique method | 72016-9 |
child | VR-12 Physical functioning (PF) score - oblique method T-score | 72024-3 |
child | VR-12 Role emotion (RE) score - oblique method | 72010-2 |
child | VR-12 Role emotion (RE) score - oblique method T-score | 72018-5 |
child | VR-12 Role physical (RP) score - oblique method | 72015-1 |
child | VR-12 Role physical (RP) score - oblique method T-score | 72023-5 |
child | VR-12 Social functioning (SF) score - oblique method | 72011-0 |
child | VR-12 Social functioning (SF) score - oblique method T-score | 72019-3 |
child | VR-12 Vitality (VT) score - oblique method | 72012-8 |
child | CHAMPUS Per Diem [Minimum Data Set] | 45460-3 |
child | VR-12 Vitality (VT) score - oblique method T-score | 72020-1 |
child | VR-36 Bodily pain (BP) score - oblique method | 71978-1 |
child | VR-36 Bodily pain (BP) score - oblique method T-score | 71986-4 |
child | VR-36 Bodily pain (BP) score - orthogonal method | 71996-3 |
child | VR-36 Bodily pain (BP) score - orthogonal method T-score | 72004-5 |
child | VR-36 General health (GH) score - oblique method | 71977-3 |
child | VR-36 General health (GH) score - oblique method T-score | 71985-6 |
child | VR-36 General health (GH) score - orthogonal method | 71995-5 |
child | VR-36 General health (GH) score - orthogonal method T-score | 72003-7 |
child | VR-36 Mental component summary (MCS) score - oblique method T-score | 71990-6 |
child | Change behavior without thinking | 99561-3 |
child | VR-36 Mental component summary (MCS) score - orthogonal method T-score | 72008-6 |
child | VR-36 Mental health (MH) score - oblique method | 71973-2 |
child | VR-36 Mental health (MH) score - oblique method T-score | 71981-5 |
child | VR-36 Mental health (MH) score - orthogonal method | 71991-4 |
child | VR-36 Mental health (MH) score - orthogonal method T-score | 71999-7 |
child | VR-36 Physical component summary (PCS) score - oblique method T-score | 71989-8 |
child | VR-36 Physical component summary (PCS) score - orthogonal method T-score | 72007-8 |
child | VR-36 Physical functioning (PF) score - oblique method | 71980-7 |
child | VR-36 Physical functioning (PF) score - oblique method T-score | 71988-0 |
child | VR-36 Physical functioning (PF) score - orthogonal method | 71998-9 |
child | Change in activities of daily living function [Minimum Data Set] | 45617-8 |
child | VR-36 Physical functioning (PF) score - orthogonal method T-score | 72006-0 |
child | VR-36 Role emotion (RE) score - oblique method | 71974-0 |
child | VR-36 Role emotion (RE) score - oblique method T-score | 71982-3 |
child | VR-36 Role emotion (RE) score - orthogonal method | 71992-2 |
child | VR-36 Role emotion (RE) score - orthogonal method T-score | 72000-3 |
child | VR-36 Role physical (RP) score - oblique method | 71979-9 |
child | VR-36 Role physical (RP) score - oblique method T-score | 71987-2 |
child | VR-36 Role physical (RP) score - orthogonal method | 71997-1 |
child | VR-36 Role physical (RP) score - orthogonal method T-score | 72005-2 |
child | VR-36 Social functioning (SF) score - oblique method | 71975-7 |
child | Change in behavioral or other symptoms in last 7 days [CMS Assessment] | 54696-0 |
child | VR-36 Social functioning (SF) score - oblique method T-score | 71983-1 |
child | VR-36 Social functioning (SF) score - orthogonal method | 71993-0 |
child | VR-36 Social functioning (SF) score - orthogonal method T-score | 72001-1 |
child | VR-36 Vitality (VT) score - oblique method | 71976-5 |
child | VR-36 Vitality (VT) score - oblique method T-score | 71984-9 |
child | VR-36 Vitality (VT) score - orthogonal method | 71994-8 |
child | VR-36 Vitality (VT) score - orthogonal method T-score | 72002-9 |
child | Wake up at the same time | 97893-2 |
child | Wake up feeling refreshed | 97894-0 |
child | Wakens to toilet all or most nights [Minimum Data Set] | 45441-3 |
child | Change in behavioral symptoms [Minimum Data Set] | 45568-3 |
child | Walk 10 feet - functional ability during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 89386-7 |
child | Walk 10 feet - functional ability during 3 day assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 83204-8 |
child | Walk 10 feet - functional goal during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 89385-9 |
child | Walk 10 feet - functional goal during 3 day assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 83203-0 |
child | Walk 10 feet - most dependent performance during the past month [CMS Assessment] | 94947-9 |
child | Walk 10 feet - usual functional ability during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 95004-8 |
child | Walk 10 ft (3 m) during 2 day assessment period [CARE] | 52656-6 |
child | Walk 100 ft (30 m) during 2 day assessment period [CARE] | 52654-1 |
child | Walk 150 feet - functional ability during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 89384-2 |
child | Walk 150 feet - functional ability during 3 day assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 83200-6 |
child | Activity preferences - trips or shopping [Minimum Data Set] | 45824-0 |
child | Change in cognitive status [Minimum Data Set] | 45497-5 |
child | Walk 150 feet - functional goal during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 89383-4 |
child | Walk 150 feet - functional goal during 3 day assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 83199-0 |
child | Walk 150 feet - most dependent performance during the past month [CMS Assessment] | 94949-5 |
child | Walk 150 feet - usual functional ability during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 95002-2 |
child | Walk 150 ft (45 m) during 2 day assessment period [CARE] | 52653-3 |
child | Walk 50 feet with two turns - functional ability during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 89382-6 |
child | Walk 50 feet with two turns - functional ability during 3 day assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 83202-2 |
child | Walk 50 feet with two turns - functional goal during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 89381-8 |
child | Walk 50 feet with two turns - functional goal during 3 day assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 83201-4 |
child | Walk 50 feet with two turns - most dependent performance during the past month [CMS Assessment] | 94948-7 |
child | Change in communication/hearing [Minimum Data Set] | 45406-6 |
child | Walk 50 feet with two turns - usual functional ability during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 95003-0 |
child | Walk 50 feet with two turns during two day assessment period [CARE] | 52668-1 |
child | Walk 50 ft (15 m) during 2 day assessment period [CARE] | 52655-8 |
child | Walk in corridor - self-performance during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 45594-9 |
child | Walk in corridor - support provided during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 45595-6 |
child | Deprecated Walk in facility in last 7D MDSv3 | 54742-2 |
child | Walk in room - self-performance during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 45592-3 |
child | Walk in room - support provided during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 45593-1 |
child | Deprecated Walk in room in last 7D MDSv3 | 54741-4 |
child | Walk without assistive mobility devices | 100179-1 |
child | Change in mood [Minimum Data Set] | 45557-6 |
child | Walker normally used in last 7 days [MDSv3] | 54757-0 |
child | Walking [ALSFRS-R] | 82948-1 |
child | Walking - functional ability | 100284-9 |
child | Walking - long distance - confidence [OPTIMAL] | 69529-6 |
child | Walking - long distance - confidence - score change [OPTIMAL] | 69597-3 |
child | Walking - long distance - difficulty [OPTIMAL] | 69506-4 |
child | Walking - long distance - difficulty - score change [OPTIMAL] | 69618-7 |
child | Walking - outdoors - confidence [OPTIMAL] | 69530-4 |
child | Walking - outdoors - confidence - score change [OPTIMAL] | 69596-5 |
child | Walking - outdoors - difficulty [OPTIMAL] | 69507-2 |
child | Change in symptoms of heart failure compared with 2 weeks ago [KCCQ] | 86478-5 |
child | Walking - outdoors - difficulty - score change [OPTIMAL] | 69617-9 |
child | Walking - short distance - confidence [OPTIMAL] | 69528-8 |
child | Walking - short distance - confidence - score change [OPTIMAL] | 69598-1 |
child | Walking - short distance - difficulty [OPTIMAL] | 69505-6 |
child | Walking - short distance - difficulty - score change [OPTIMAL] | 69619-5 |
child | Walking (with assistive device if used) during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 54750-5 |
child | Walking 1 block on level ground was limited by heart failure over the past 2 weeks [KCCQ] | 86474-4 |
child | Walking 10 feet on uneven surfaces - functional ability during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 89380-0 |
child | Walking 10 feet on uneven surfaces - functional ability during 3 day assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 83198-2 |
child | Walking 10 feet on uneven surfaces - functional goal during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 89379-2 |
child | Change in systolic blood pressure | 71789-2 |
child | Walking 10 feet on uneven surfaces - functional goal during 3 day assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 83197-4 |
child | Walking 10 feet on uneven surfaces - most dependent performance during the past month [CMS Assessment] | 94950-3 |
child | Walking 10 feet on uneven surfaces - usual functional ability during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 95001-4 |
child | Walking 10 feet on uneven surfaces during two day assessment period [CARE] | 52671-5 |
child | Walking indoors on level ground limited by chest pain, chest tightness or angina over the past 4 weeks [SAQ] | 88480-9 |
child | Walking physical activity [IPAQ] | 77591-6 |
child | Walking physical transportation domain [IPAQ] | 88424-7 |
child | Walking physical activity.leisure-time domain [IPAQ] | 88430-4 |
child | Walking physical domain [IPAQ] | 88421-3 |
child | Walking support provided [Minimum Data Set] | 45894-3 |
child | Change in urinary continence [Minimum Data Set] | 45635-0 |
child | Walking when most self sufficient Set | 46075-8 |
child | Walks across a street - most dependent performance during the past month [CMS Assessment] | 94958-6 |
child | Walks across a street - usual functional ability during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 94993-3 |
child | Walks for 15 minutes - most dependent performance during the past month [CMS Assessment] | 94957-8 |
child | Walks for 15 minutes - usual functional ability during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 94994-1 |
child | Walks indoors - most dependent performance during the past month [CMS Assessment] | 94955-2 |
child | Walks indoors - usual functional ability during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 94996-6 |
child | Wander/elopement alarm used during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 88314-0 |
child | Wandering - impact [CMS Assessment] | 54517-8 |
child | Wandering - presence and frequency in last 7 days [CMS Assessment] | 54693-7 |
child | Changed medical regimen diagnoses | 46459-4 |
child | Wandering places resident at significant risk of getting to a potentially dangerous place in last 7 days [CMS Assessment] | 54694-5 |
child | Wandering significantly intrudes on the privacy or activities of others in last 7 days [CMS Assessment] | 54695-2 |
child | Want assistance with personal needs | 99555-5 |
child | Want to die at home [Living with HIV] | 28170-9 |
child | Wants help finding or keeping work or a job | 96780-2 |
child | Wants help with school or training | 96782-8 |
child | Wants to talk to someone about the possibility of returning to the community during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 58149-6 |
child | Was erythropoiesis-stimulating agent prescribed [ESRD] | 71458-4 |
child | Was the patient's thinking disorganized or incoherent, such as rambling or irrelevant conversation, unclear or illogical flow of ideas, or unpredictable switching from subject to subject during assessment period [CAM.CMS] | 95814-0 |
child | Was the patient's thinking disorganized or incoherent, such as rambling or irrelevant conversation, unclear or illogical flow of ideas, or unpredictable switching from subject to subject during 3 day assessment period [CAM.CMS] | 85651-8 |
child | Changed medical regimen diagnoses - OASIS - B1 [OASIS] | 69323-4 |
child | Was the treatment staff thorough in examining and treating you [FACIT] | 71087-1 |
child | Was there any time when the following kinds of menta | |
child | Colonic constipation [CCC] | 28154-3 |
child | Color vision [RFC] | 46673-0 |
child | Favorite color | 86506-3 |
child | Columbia - suicide severity rating scale - lifetime recent [C-SSRS] | 93245-9 |
child | Columbia - suicide severity rating scale - very young child or cognitively impaired - lifetime recent [C-SSRS] | 93485-1 |
child | Columbia - suicide severity rating scale screener - recent [C-SSRS] | 93373-9 |
child | Columbia Behavior Scale for Dementia panel [CBS-8] | 99577-9 |
child | Comatose | 55762-9 |
child | Additional comments [RFC] | 46696-1 |
child | Deprecated Comatose [CMS Assessment] | 45482-7 |
child | Comatose during assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 54597-0 |
child | Comatose during 3 day assessment period [CMS Assessment] | 85629-4 |
child | Comfort alteration [CCC] | 28155-0 |
child | Comfortable and well cared for [Living with HIV] |