AnswerList | PhenX07_05_lung cancer worry | LL1114-9 |
AnswerList | PhenX11_19 | LL1257-6 |
AnswerList | Phenx11_38_worry about eyesight | LL1529-8 |
AnswerList | OASIS_M0420_Pain freq | LL268-4 |
AnswerList | OASIS_M0580_Anxiety | LL283-3 |
AnswerList | KCCQ - HF Times during day | LL4536-0 |
AnswerList | None(5)|Little(4)|Some(3)|Most(2)|All the time(1) | LL5131-9 |
AnswerList | AllTime(0)|MostTime|GoodbitTime|LittleTime|None(5) | LL5264-8 |
AnswerList | None|ALittle|Some|Most|All of the time | LL5278-8 |
AnswerList | AllTime(5)|MostTime|GoodbitTime|LittleTime|None(0) | LL5293-7 |
AnswerList | Nev-Rare-Occ-Some-All the Time | LL5642-5 |
AnswerList | Frequency | LL5645-8 |
AnswerList | PhenX - frequency (All of the time -> rarely) | LL5803-3 |
AnswerList | All of the time|Most|Some|Little|None | LL6096-3 |
AnswerList | OASIS-C_M1242 | LL789-9 |
LONG_COMMON_NAME | en-US | All of the time |
LOINC Version: 2.77