Answer | Yes | LA33-6 |
Answer | No | LA32-8 |
answers-for | Did you or your partner ever go to a doctor or other medical care provider to talk about ways to help you have a baby together [PhenX] | 64613-3 |
answers-for | Has a doctor or other medical care provider ever told you you had fibroid tumors or myomas in your uterus [PhenX] | 64616-6 |
answers-for | Has a doctor or other medical care provider ever told you you had endometriosis [PhenX] | 64617-4 |
answers-for | Have you ever had any other operation that makes it impossible for you to have a baby [PhenX] | 64619-0 |
answers-for | As far as you know, are you completely sterile from this operation, that is, does it make it impossible for you to have a baby in the future [PhenX] | 64620-8 |
answers-for | Has your husband or partner ever had a vasectomy or any other operation that would make it impossible for him to father a baby in the future [PhenX] | 64621-6 |
answers-for | As far as you know, is he completely sterile from this operation, that is, does it make it impossible for him to father a baby in the future [PhenX] | 64623-2 |
answers-for | Have you used any other methods of contraception [PhenX] | 64626-5 |
answers-for | Are you and your partner currently trying to get pregnant [PhenX] | 64631-5 |
answers-for | Have you ever had sex with a partner who had a vasectomy [PhenX] | 65663-7 |
answers-for | Have you ever had sex with a partner who used withdrawal or pulling out [PhenX] | 65664-5 |
answers-for | Have you ever used oral contraceptives for two months or more for any reason - contraception, acne, menstrual irregularity, etc [PhenX] | 66066-2 |
LONG_COMMON_NAME | en-US | PhenX10_59 |
LOINC Version: 2.77