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LOINC Answer List LL5780-3 : Strongly agree/Agree/Neutral/Disagree


Answer Strongly agree LA15237-3
Answer Agree LA15774-5
Answer Neutral LA14786-0
Answer Disagree LA15773-7
answers-for Product of interest effectiveness 100917-4
answers-for Product of interest usability 100918-2
answers-for Access to help with product of interest 100919-0
answers-for Satisfied with product of interest 100920-8
answers-for Safe and secure healthcare data 100924-0
answers-for Healthcare data exchanged as needed 100925-7
answers-for Access to review healthcare data 100926-5
answers-for Satisfied with healthcare data use 100927-3
answers-for Digital device use 100930-7
answers-for Digital device use 100930-7
answers-for Friends use digital devices 100931-5
answers-for Access to help with digital devices 100932-3
answers-for Confident using digital devices 100933-1
answers-for Confident using digital devices 100933-1
answers-for Feel safe at home 100936-4
answers-for Feel respected at home 100937-2
answers-for Feel safe outside home 100938-0
answers-for Feel respected outside home 100939-8
answers-for Neighbors and I know each other 100942-2
answers-for Neighbors and I trust each other 100943-0
answers-for Neighbors and I share information 100944-8
answers-for Neighbors and I help each other 100945-5
answers-for Product of interest use 100954-7
answers-for Confident using product of interest 100955-4
answers-for Understand potential benefits of product of interest 100956-2
answers-for Understand potential problems of product of interest 100957-0
answers-for New ideas are needed in field of work 100960-4
answers-for Follow new ideas in field of work 100961-2
answers-for I am satisfied with the treatment 90020-9
answers-for How well do services work together: services talk to each other 96773-7
answers-for How well do services work together: services talk to each other 96773-7
answers-for How well do services work together: staff know what other services do 96774-5
answers-for How well do services work together: staff know what other services do 96774-5
answers-for How well do services work together: I don't have to repeat my story 96775-2
answers-for How well do services work together: I don't have to repeat my story 96775-2
answers-for How well do services work together: different services work well together 96776-0
answers-for How well do services work together: different services work well together 96776-0
answers-for How are you feeling in general: I am satisfied with my life 96931-1
answers-for How are you feeling in general: I am satisfied with my life 96931-1
answers-for How are you feeling in general: What I do in my life is worthwhile 96932-9
answers-for How are you feeling in general: What I do in my life is worthwhile 96932-9
answers-for How are you feeling in general: I was happy yesterday 96933-7
answers-for How are you feeling in general: I was happy yesterday 96933-7
answers-for How are you feeling in general: I was not anxious yesterday 96934-5
answers-for How are you feeling in general: I was not anxious yesterday 96934-5
answers-for Thinking about your friends and family: I have people to talk to 96941-0
answers-for Thinking about your friends and family: I have people to talk to 96941-0
answers-for Thinking about your friends and family: I have someone I can confide in 96942-8
answers-for Thinking about your friends and family: I have someone I can confide in 96942-8
answers-for Thinking about your friends and family: I have people who will help me 96943-6
answers-for Thinking about your friends and family: I have people who will help me 96943-6
answers-for Thinking about your friends and family: I do things with others 96944-4
answers-for Thinking about your friends and family: I do things with others 96944-4
answers-for How do you feel about caring for your health: I can look after my health 96947-7
answers-for How do you feel about caring for your health: I can look after my health 96947-7
answers-for How do you feel about caring for your health: I can get the right help if I need it 96948-5
answers-for How do you feel about caring for your health: I can get the right help if I need it 96948-5
answers-for How do you feel about caring for your health: I am involved in decisions about me 96949-3
answers-for How do you feel about caring for your health: I am involved in decisions about me 96949-3
answers-for How do you feel about caring for your health: I know enough about my health 96950-1
answers-for How do you feel about caring for your health: I know enough about my health 96950-1
answers-for Thinking about how you live: I have had a good education 96953-5
answers-for Thinking about how you live: I have had a good education 96953-5
answers-for Thinking about how you live: I am valued for what I do 96954-3
answers-for Thinking about how you live: I am valued for what I do 96954-3
answers-for Thinking about how you live: I am happy about where I live 96955-0
answers-for Thinking about how you live: I am happy about where I live 96955-0
answers-for Thinking about how you live: I have enough money to cope 96956-8
answers-for Thinking about how you live: I have enough money to cope 96956-8
answers-for Go to sleep at the same time 97892-4
answers-for Go to sleep at the same time 97892-4
answers-for Wake up at the same time 97893-2
answers-for Wake up at the same time 97893-2
answers-for Wake up feeling refreshed 97894-0
answers-for Wake up feeling refreshed 97894-0
answers-for Sleep well 97895-7
answers-for Sleep well 97895-7
answers-for Manage diet well 97898-1
answers-for Manage diet well 97898-1
answers-for Manage physical activity well 97899-9
answers-for Manage physical activity well 97899-9
answers-for Manage weight well 97900-5
answers-for Manage weight well 97900-5
answers-for Manage medication well 97901-3
answers-for Manage medication well 97901-3
answers-for Usually have enough energy 97904-7
answers-for Usually have enough energy 97904-7
answers-for Do not tire too quickly 97905-4
answers-for Do not tire too quickly 97905-4
answers-for Usually concentrate well 97906-2
answers-for Usually concentrate well 97906-2
answers-for Can keep going if needed 97907-0
answers-for Can keep going if needed 97907-0
answers-for Know possible benefits of treatment plan 99419-4
answers-for Know possible benefits of treatment plan 99419-4
answers-for Know possible downside of treatment plan 99420-2
answers-for Know possible downside of treatment plan 99420-2
answers-for Know available choices for treatment plan 99421-0
answers-for Know available choices for treatment plan 99421-0
answers-for Feel fully involved in treatment plan 99422-8
answers-for Feel fully involved in treatment plan 99422-8
answers-for Skills and tools to change behavior 99558-9
answers-for Skills and tools to change behavior 99558-9
answers-for Nothing prevents behavior change 99559-7
answers-for Nothing prevents behavior change 99559-7
answers-for Choose to change behavior 99560-5
answers-for Choose to change behavior 99560-5
answers-for Change behavior without thinking 99561-3
answers-for Change behavior without thinking 99561-3
answers-for Remember to follow treatment instructions 99564-7
answers-for Remember to follow treatment instructions 99564-7
answers-for Follow treatment instructions if feel bad 99565-4
answers-for Follow treatment instructions if feel bad 99565-4
answers-for Follow treatment instructions if feel better 99566-2
answers-for Follow treatment instructions if feel better 99566-2
answers-for Know capabilities following loss 99569-6
answers-for Know capabilities following loss 99569-6
answers-for Recognize life changes following loss 99570-4
answers-for Recognize life changes following loss 99570-4
answers-for Activities done differently following loss 99571-2
answers-for Activities done differently following loss 99571-2
answers-for Moved on following loss 99572-0
answers-for Moved on following loss 99572-0


LONG_COMMON_NAME en-US Strongly agree/Agree/Neutral/Disagree


LOINC Version: 2.77