1.0.0 - release

This page is part of the 臺灣癌症用藥事前審查實作指引(TWPAS IG) (v1.0.0: Release) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. This is the current published version in its permanent home (it will always be available at this URL). For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

ConceptMap: 臺灣健保署就醫科別代碼對應SNOMED CT

Official URL: https://twcore.mohw.gov.tw/ig/pas/ConceptMap/medical-consultation-department-nhi-tw Version: 1.0.0
Active as of 2024-01-05 Computable Name: TWHealthDepartmentNHI

此對應表為臺灣健保署就醫科別代碼對應至國際標準碼SNOMED CT,供實作者於撰寫程式以自動化對應或轉代碼時使用。

Generated Narrative: ConceptMap medical-consultation-department-nhi-tw

Mapping from 臺灣健保署就醫科別值集 to SNOMED CT + 臺灣健保署就醫科別值集

Group 1 Mapping from 臺灣健保署就醫科別 to SNOMED CT (all versions)

Source CodeRelationshipTarget Code
2B (洗腎科)is equal to394589003 (Nephrology)
40 (牙科)is equal to722163006 (Dentistry)
81 (麻醉科)is equal to394577000 (Anesthetics)
82 (放射線科)is equal to394914008 (Radiology)
83 (病理科)is equal to394915009 (General pathology)
84 (核醫科)is equal to394649004 (Nuclear medicine)
AA (消化內科)is equal to394584008 (Gastroenterology)
AB (心臟血管內科)is equal to394579002 (Cardiology)
AD (腎臟內科)is equal to394589003 (Nephrology)
AE (風濕免疫科)is equal to394810000 (Rheumatology)
AG (內分泌科)is equal to394583002 (Endocrinology)
AH (感染科)is equal to394807007 (Infectious diseases)
AI (潛醫科)is equal to410005002 (Dive medicine)
AK (老人醫學科)is equal to394811001 (Geriatric medicine)
BA (直腸外科)is equal to408464004 (Surgery-Colorectal surgery)
BB (心臟血管外科)is equal to408466002 (Surgery-Cardiac surgery)
BC (胸腔外科)is equal to408456005 (Thoracic surgery)
BD (消化外科)is equal to1284928005 (Gastrointestinal surgery)
CA (小兒外科)is equal to394539006 (Pediatric surgery)
CB (新生兒科)is equal to408445005 (Neonatology)
DA (疼痛科)is equal to394882004 (Pain management)
FB (放射腫瘤科)is equal to419815003 (Radiation oncology)
GA (口腔顏面外科)is equal to408465003 (Oral and maxillofacial surgery)